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Multiforms, Dyadics and Electromagnetic Media.


Multiforms, Dyadics and Electromagnetic Media

Ismo V. Lindell



397 pages



IEEE Press Series on Electromagnetic Wave Theory


Lindell offers a formalist approach to electromagnetic problems as they relate to electromagnetic media, with special attention paid to metamaterials and metasurfaces. The text is divided into ten chapters, each discussing and offering electromagnetic equation problems by way of differential forms and exterior calculus. Topics addressed include multivectors and multiforms, dyadics, bidyadics, transformation of fields and media, and media defined by plane-wave properties. Each chapter has sample problems. Appendices discuss Gibbsian formalism and multivector and dyadic identities. ([umlaut] Ringgold, Inc., Portland, OR)

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Article Type:Book review
Date:Oct 1, 2015
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