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Morphological, Growth and Yield Response of Cotton to Exogenous Application of Natural Growth Promoter and Synthetic Growth Retardant.

Byline: Azra Yasmeen, Muhammad Arif, Nazim Hussain, Waqas Malik and Ihsan Qadir


In current study, field experiments were conducted to optimize the effects of foliar application of natural plant growth promoter i.e., moringa leaf extract (MLE) and synthetic growth retardant mepiquate chloride (MC) alone and in combined form. The time of applications were beginning of bloom, 45 and 90 days after blooming. Both the conventional (CIM 573) and Bt cotton (CIM 598) cultivars were used. The experiment was performed at agronomic research area, Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan and Usmania Agricultural Farm, Shujabad during 2012. The combined application of MLE and MC at 45 days after blooming enhanced absolute growth rate, number of squares per plant in Bt, while specific leaf weight in non Bt cultivar. However, same treatment when applied at 90 days after blooming improved the number of bolls per plant, seed cotton yield, cotton seed yield, lint yield and lint index in Bt cotton.

Application of MC alone reduced the plant growth without significantly increasing the yield. The natural growth promoter MLE being a rich source of macro, micro nutrients and zeatin enhanced growth and yield attributes not only when applied alone but also in combination with synthetic growth retardant MC.

Keywords: Moringa leaf extract; Mepiquated chloride; Growth promoter; Growth retardant; Foliar application; Bt cotton


Cotton is one of the most important cash crops playing a key role in the economic and social affairs of the world providing basic input to the textile industry (Killi et al., 2005) spindles and oil expelling units all over the world (Ahmed et al., 2009). Therefore, its sustainable production is not only crucial but efforts must be made to auxiliary enhance its yield per unit area. The dependency on the use of synthetic growth promoters to enhance the crop productivity increases the cost of production and environmental pollution, while farmer's choice for the use of natural growth regulators has been increasing (Akram and Ashraf, 2013). For instance, exogenous application of natural growth promoters improved the yield of many crops (Kumar, 2001; Sergiy, 2007; Balakumbahan and Rajamani, 2010). Application of natural growth regulators develop resistance in plants against diseases and insects, improve the produce quality and are ecological safe (Sergiy, 2007).

Moringa leaf extract (MLE), being rich in amino acids, K, Ca, Fe, ascorbate and growth regulating hormones like zeatin, is an ideal plant growth enhancer (Nouman et al., 2012). MLE either prepared in 80% ethanol or in water contains growth enhancing substances and can be used as natural source of growth promoter (Fuglie, 2001). MLE accelerates the growth of young plants, strengthens plants, prolongs lifespan, increases number of roots, stems and leaves, produces more and larger fruits, improves resistance to pests and diseases and generally increases yield by around 20-35% (Fuglie, 2001).

In addition to plant growth promoters, some growth retardants such as mepiquate chloride (MC) also play role in yield and quality enhancement of cotton (Copur et al., 2010). The application of mepiquate chloride (MC) has been found to restrict the vegetative growth at the cost of enhanced reproductive growth (Wang et al., 1995). Cotton crop is highly responsive to its application with decreased number of sympodial nodes, internode length and increased number of reproductive branches (Rademacher, 2000; Nichols at al., 2003). The enhanced retention of early buds and bolls under MC application may be linked to more availability of nutrients due to shift in partitioning of photo-assimilates from vegetative to reproductive growth in cotton (Nuti et al., 2000), thereby increasing crop yield (Kerby and Keeley, 1990).

Keeping in view these facts, the present investigation was therefore undertaken to evaluate the potential of natural growth promoter moringa leaf extract (MLE) and synthetic growth retardant mepiquate chloride (MC) applied at different plant growth stages in improving the performance of Bt and conventional cotton cultivars.

Materials and Methods

Experimental Site and Treatments

A field experiments was conducted at two locations i.e. Agronomic Research Area, Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan and Usmania Agricultural Farm, Shujabad during kharif season 2012 to study the morphological, growth and yield comparison of cotton to exogenous application of natural and synthetic growth regulators. The experiment was designed in randomized complete block with factorial arrangement having three replications. Experimental treatments comprised of cotton cultivars viz. CIM-573 (Non Bt) and CIM-598 (Bt), foliar application of growth regulators viz. moringa leaf extract (MLE, 30 times diluted) and mepiquate chloride (MC, 42 g a.i ha-1), either alone or in combination and distilled water spray taken as control. The application times were beginning of bloom (8-10 white and yellow flower), at 45 and 90 days after blooming.

Soil Analysis

Soil samples were collected from 0 to 30 cm depth prior to sowing and analyzed for physico-chemical characteristics. The soil of experimental sites were silt loam, having pH 7.9 and 9.3, EC 1.11 and 0.99 dS m-1, organic matter 0.66 and 0.34%, total nitrogen, available phosphorus and exchangeable potassium 0.052 and 0.021%, 0.0070 and 0.003, 0.148 and 0.180 mg kg-1 in Multan and Shujabad, respectively.

Crop Husbandry

The experimental field was well prepared by cultivating the field thrice followed by planking. The plot size was 4.5 x 4.0 m2 consisted of 3 beds properly made with the help of bed shaper. Delinted dried seeds of CIM 573 and CIM 598 were dibbled manually on both sides of the well moistened beds in last week of March. The furrows were irrigated 72 h followed by dibbling to have successful seed germination and emergence. Afterwards, the irrigation was given subsequently depending upon crop requirements until crop maturity. For the desired plant density gap filling and thinning was adopted on 8th and 20th day after emergence, respectively. Recommended i.e., 145 and 114 kg ha-1 nitrogen fertilizer for Bt and non Bt, respectively, was applied in the form of urea in three equal splits i.e. sowing, beginning of bloom and peak flowering stage. Phosphorus and potassium fertilizer was applied @ 56:62 kg ha-1 in the form of triple super phosphate and murate of potash at sowing time.

Weeds were controlled by applying pre emergence herbicide (Stomp-330E at 2.5 L ha-1), two hand weedings at 20 and 30 DAS along with three inter cultivations at 45, 60 and 75 DAS. Insect control was performed for both cultivars; with spray decisions based on threshold scouting. All other agronomic practices were exercised same for all the treatments.

Preparation of Moringa Leaf Extracts (MLE)

For preparation of moringa leaf extract, three fully grown trees in the botanical garden of Bahauddin Zakariya University, were selected. MLE was extracted from young fresh leaves and tender branches with little water (10 kg L-1 fresh material) in a locally fabricated machine according to the Yasmeen et al. (2011). After purification, the extract was centrifuged at 8,000 g for 15 min there after supernant was taken and diluted 30 times (MLE30) for foliar spray.

Data Collection

Before blooming, 10 plants were randomly selected from the central two rows in each plot and tagged to record the final plant height (cm), number of monopodial and sympodial branches, squares, flowers, opened bolls per plant, boll weight (g) and seed cotton yield (kg ha-1). Hand picking of seed cotton was done thrice in the middle two rows of each plot at both the locations. The first, second and third picking was done when the cotton bolls were about 60% open, 22 days later than first and in the first week of December, respectively at both locations. The harvested seed cotton was weighed and then roller-ginned to measure cotton seed yield (kg ha-1), lint yield (kg ha-1), lint index (g), ginning out turn (%) and seed index (g). The leaf area index was calculated at different growth stages manually following method suggested by Sestak et al. (1971). Specific leaf weight (SLW) was calculated as leaf dry matter per unit leaf area.

SLW were measured during the cotton flowering period, when LAI was at its maximum. Crop growth rate (CGR) and absolute growth rate (AGR) was measured according to the Watson (1952) and Radford (1967), respectively.

Statistical Analysis

Microsoft Excel 2010 was adopted for data calculation and figures drawing. All data were subjected to the analysis of variance (ANOVA) using the MSTAT software. Moreover, means of the different treatments were compared by Duncan's Multiple Range Test (DMRT) at 5% level of probability (Steel et al., 1997).


Leaf Area Index

Exogenous application of growth regulators significantly affected the leaf area index of conventional cotton cultivar CIM 573 and Bt cotton cultivar CIM 598. The crop accomplished the maximum leaf area index at 130 days after sowing with combined MLE + MC application at 45 days after blooming in conventional cotton cultivar CIM 573 at both locations. A decreasing trend in leaf area index was observed at 130 days of sowing and the minimum leaf area index was observed in control plants with application of distilled water in Bt cotton at the initiation and 90 days of blooming in Multan and Shujabad, respectively (Fig. 1a, b).

Leaf Area Duration

Foliar application of MLE at 45 days of blooming in Bt cotton produced significantly higher leaf area duration between 101-130 days after sowing at both locations (Fig. 2a, b). However, a decreasing trend was observed in leaf area duration at 130 days after sowing and the minimum leaf area duration was observed for control with distilled water spray in conventional cotton cultivar at the initiation and 90 days after blooming in Shujabad and Multan, respectively (Fig. 2a, b).

Specific Leaf Weight

Foliar application of MLE at the start of blooming on conventional cotton cultivar produced maximum specific leaf weight against the minimum recorded in Bt cotton cultivar, where MC was applied at 45 days after blooming in Multan (Table 1). Combined application of growth regulators at 45 days after blooming in conventional cotton cultivar produced maximum specific leaf weight in Shujabad (Table 1). Minimum specific leaf weight observed from the Bt cotton plots as influenced by foliar spray of distilled water at 90 days after blooming.

Absolute Growth Rate

Foliar application of growth regulators increased the absolute growth rate; however, MLE was more effective in this regard. The crop achieved the maximum absolute growth rate with foliar application of combined growth regulators at 45 days after blooming in Bt cotton cultivar at Multan (Fig. 3a). Foliar application of MLE at 45 days after blooming in non Bt cotton cultivar attained maximum absolute growth rate in Shujabad (Fig. 3b).

Crop Growth Rate

Foliar spray of MLE only at the start of blooming in Bt cultivar attained maximum crop growth rate between 101-130 days after sowing at both locations.

Afterwards, the crop growth rate decreased, but the lowest reduction was observed in plots where MC and water was applied at the start of blooming in non Bt cotton cultivar in Multan and Shujabad, respectively (Fig. 4a, b).

Plant Height

Exogenous application of MLE at the start of blooming and 45 days after blooming produced significantly taller plants in conventional cotton cultivar (CIM 573) at both sites (Fig. 5a, b). Foliar application of growth retatdant MC reduced the plant height significantly and minimum plant height was observed from Bt cotton cultivar (CIM 598) with the application of MC at the beginning of bloom at both locations (Fig. 5a, b).

Number of Monopodial Branches per Plant

Number of monopodial branches per plant was significantly affected by foliar application of growth regulators at different times of blooming in both cotton cultivars at both locations (Table 2). Application of MLE at the start of blooming and 90 days after blooming produced maximum number of monopodial branches per plant for conventional cultivar (CIM 573) at both sites (Table 2). Exogenous application of MC at 45 days after blooming produced minimum number of monopodial branches per plant for Bt cotton cultivar (CIM 598) at both locations (Table 2).

Number of Sympodial Branches per Plant

Foliar application of MLE + MC at 90 days of blooming on Bt cotton produced significantly higher number of sympodial branches per plant at Multan site. Application of MLE at 45 days after blooming in Bt cotton produced maximum number of sympodial branches per plant in Shujabad (Table 3). Minimum number of sympodial branches per plant was observed for the conventional cotton cultivar when MC was applied at the start of blooming at both locations (Table 3).

Number of Squares per Plant

Exogenous application of MLE + MC and MLE alone at 45 days of blooming on Bt cotton produced maximum number of squares per plant at both sites (Fig. 6a, b). Application of water sprays at 90 days after blooming and MC at 45 days after blooming in conventional cotton cultivar (CIM 573) produced minimum number of squares per plant at both sites (Fig. 6a, b).

Number of Flowers per Plant

Exogenous application of MLE at 45 days after blooming produced significantly higher number of flowers per plant for Bt cotton at both locations, and foliar spray of MC on conventional cotton cultivar at the initiation of blooming produced lower number of flowers per plant (Fig. 7a, b).

Number of Bolls per Plant

Combined application of both MLE and MC at 90 days after blooming on Bt cotton produced significantly higher number of opened bolls per plant at Multan site. While application of MLE at 45 days after blooming on Bt cotton produced maximum number of opened bolls per plant in Shujabad site (Table 4). Minimum number of opened bolls per plant was observed for the conventional cotton cultivar when applied with MC at the start of blooming and water at 90 days after blooming at both sites (Table 4).

Mean Boll Weight

Mean boll weight was significantly affected by foliar application of growth regulators at different times of blooming in Bt and conventional cotton cultivars (Table 5). Application of MLE at 90 days after blooming in Bt cotton cultivar produced maximum mean boll weight against the minimum in conventional cotton cultivar with the application of water at the start of blooming in Multan (Table 5). Foliar application of both MLE + MC at 45 days after blooming and water at the initiation of blooming in conventional cotton cultivar at Shujabad produced significantly higher and lower mean boll weight, respectively.

Seed Index

Seed index was significantly improved with the application of growth regulators at both locations. Maximum seed index was observed from Bt cotton plots where growth regulators applied at 90 days after blooming at both locations (Table 6). Application of water at the start of blooming in conventional and Bt cotton cultivar produced minimum seed index at both sites (Table 6).

Seed Cotton Yield

Exogenous application of growth regulators at various times of blooming had significant effect on seed cotton yield per unit area of Bt and conventional cotton cultivars at both locations (Table 7). Combined application of growth regulators at 90 days after blooming in Bt cotton produced maximum seed cotton yield per hectare in Multan. Foliar spray of MLE only at 45 days after blooming on Bt cotton increased the yield significantly at Shujabad (Table 7). Application of MC and water at the start of the blooming in conventional cotton cultivar produced minimum seed cotton yield per unit area at both sites.

Cotton Seed Yield

Combined application of growth regulators at 90 days after blooming on Bt cotton produced significantly higher cotton seed yield per unit area in Multan. While foliar application of growth enhancer MLE at 45 days after blooming on Bt cotton increased the cotton seed yield significantly in Shujabad (Table 8). Application of MC and water at the start of the blooming in conventional cotton cultivar produced minimum cotton seed yield per hectare at Multan and Shujabad, respectively.

Lint Yield

Foliar application of both MLE + MC at 90 days after blooming in Bt cotton produced maximum lint yield per hectare in Multan. Foliar application of MLE at 45 days after blooming in Bt cotton increased the lint yield significantly at Shujabad (Table 9). Application of water at the start of blooming in conventional cotton cultivar produced minimum lint yield at both locations (Table 9).

Lint Index

Exogenous application of both MLE + MC at 90 days after blooming in Bt cotton produced significantly higher lint index against the lower from conventional cotton plots where water was applied at 90 days after blooming in Multan (Table 10). However, application of MLE after 90 days of blooming in conventional cotton cultivar produced maximum seed index against the minimum was recorded from Bt cotton plots where combined application was done at the initiation of blooming at Shujabad (Table 10).

Ginning Percentage

Foliar application of growth regulators at different times of blooming had significant effect on ginning percentage of cotton at Multan (Table 11). Foliar application of MLE at 90 days after blooming in Bt cotton produced maximum the ginning percentage against the minimum was recorded from conventional cotton cultivar where water was sprayed at 90 days after blooming in Multan (Table 11). Foliar spray of growth regulators at different times of blooming in Bt and conventional cotton cultivars had non-significant effect on ginning percentage at Shujabad (Table 11).


Plant growth regulators play vital roles in regulating the amount, type and the direction of plant growth, development and thereby yield (Anjum et al., 2011). The dose as well as time of application of these plant growth regulators enhanced the yield either by altering dry matter distribution pattern or by regulating the growth attributes in crop plants (Hassanpourdagham et al., 2015). The potassium, calcium, iron, amino acids, ascorbate and zeatin enriched MLE has been proved a superlative plant growth enhancer (Foidle et al., 2001). Exogenous application of moringa leaf extracts averts the premature leaf senescence and results in higher leaf area with more photosynthetic pigments (Ali et al., 2011). Higher leaf area duration with the application of MLE might be due to presence of zeatin, which delay leaf senescence (Amin, 2003; Yasmeen et al., 2011). More dry matter accumulation between each successive sampling interval might be the reason of higher crop growth rate (Yasmeen et al., 2011).

Leaves are the units of assimilatory system, therefore, reduced leaf area index and leaf area duration at terminal phase of cotton might be responsible of declined crop growth rate of both cultivars due to reduced accumulation of assimilates.

Table 1: Effect of foliar application of natural growth promoter MLE (Moringa leaf extract) and synthetic growth retardant MC (Mepiquate chloride) at different times of blooming on specific leaf weight of conventional and Bt cotton cultivars


###Days after blooming###Days after blooming


CIM 573###Control###869.3ab###849.0 ad###823.7af###847.33a###860.7a###856.7af###868.3ad###837.7af###854.22a###858 a

###MLE###888.7a###854.7 ac###845.3ae###862.89a###865.3ae###877.3ab###832.0af###858.22a

###MC###845.0ae###851.0ad###883.3 a###859.78a###851.7af###835.3af###846.7af###844.6ab

###MLE+MC###881.7 a###864.3 ab###872.7ab###872.89a###871.7ac###897.7 a###855.3af###874.89a

CIM 598###Control###779.0dg###785.0cg###800.7bg###788.22b###778.6b###791.0 ef###818.3bf###780.7 f###796.67c###805.9b

###MLE###784.7cg###780.7cg###779.0dg###781.44b###811.3bf###823.0af###798.3 cf###810.9bc

###MC###758.3fg###747.3 g###763.7fg###756.44b###795.0df###814.0bf###804.3 cf###804.44c



Table 2: Effect of foliar application of natural growth promoter MLE (Moringa leaf extract) and synthetic growth retardant MC (Mepiquate chloride)at different times of blooming on number of monopodial branches per plant of conventional and Bt cotton cultivars


###Days after blooming###Days after blooming


CIM 573###Control###2.79 ad###2.86 ac###2.92 ac###2.86ab###2.74a###1.39 ab###1.27ad###1.15 ce###1.27a###1.2a

###MLE###3.16 a###3.08 ab###2.99 ac###3.08 a###1.29 ac###1.19 be###1.41 a###1.3a

###MC###2.20 dg###2.43 cf###2.47bf###2.3 c###1.04 ce###1.13 ce###1.19 ae###1.12b

###MLE+MC###2.56ae###2.65 ad###2.72 ad###2.64bc###1.03 de###1.13ce###1.16 be###1.11b

CIM 598###Control###1.81 gh###1.87 fh###1.66gh###1.78d###1.70b###1.11 ce###1.15 be###1.07 ce###1.11b###1.10b

###MLE###1.99 eh###1.92 fh###1.87 fh###1.92d###1.14 ce###1.13 ce###1.17 be###1.14b

###MC###1.43h###1.38 h###1.45h###1.42 e###1.02 e###0.98e###1.09 ce###1.03b

###MLE+MC###1.61 gh###1.66gh###1.76gh###1.68de###1.07 ce###1.03 de###1.15 be###1.08b


Table 3: Effect of foliar application of natural growth promoter MLE (Moringa leaf extract) and synthetic growth retardant MC (Mepiquate chloride)at different times on number of sympodial branches per plant of different cotton cultivars


###Spray###Days after blooming###Days after blooming

###0###45###90###Mean###Mean 0###45###90###Mean###Mean

CIM 573###Control###18.02 hl###17.65 il###18.29hk###18.0 e###18.7b###19.56bf###20.61ae###19.65bf###19.94bc###19.41b

###MLE###22.22 af###21.45cg###20.44 ei###21.37cd###21.78 ac###22.05ac###20.82ad###21.54ab

###MC###15.40 l###16.67 kl###17.17 jl###16.41f###16.18 f###17.93df###20.04ae###18.05d

###MLE+MC###18.28 hk###18.85 gk###19.80 fj###19.0 e###17.05 ef###17.99df###19.21bf###18.08d

CIM 598###Control###22.26 af###22.78 ae###21.86 af###22.3bc###22.7a###21.98 ab###22.22ab###20.80ad###21.67ab###20.58a

###MLE###24.51 ab###23.39 ae###23.29 ae###23.73ab###22.09 ac###23.45 a###21.33ad###22.29a

###MC###19.63 fj###20.70 dh###21.67 bg###20.7d###17.01 ef###18.73bf###20.87ad###18.87cd

###MLE+MC###23.54 ad###23.70 ac###24.68 a###23.97a###18.41 cf###18.90bf###21.12ad###19.48cd


As MLE is rich in cytokinin, its foliar spray might alter the endogenous cytokinin levels, the enhanced contents stimulate cell division resulting in significantly higher plant height from conventional cotton cultivar (CIM-573) (Davies, 1995; Taiz and Zeiger, 2006). However, foliar application of MC reduced the plant height significantly which might be due to the fact that mepiquate chloride inhibits the production of gibberellic acid (Yang et al., 1996).

Table 4: Effect of foliar application of natural growth promoter MLE (Moringa leaf extract) and synthetic growth retardant MC (Mepiquate chloride)at different times of blooming on number of total bolls harvested per plant of conventional and Bt cotton cultivars


###spray###Days after blooming###Days after blooming


CIM 573###Control###27.67ae###27.36ae###27.79ae###27.61b###26.33b###25.04de###26.03ce###24.60 e###31.42d###32.9b

###MLE###27.66ae###28.56ad###28.17ad###28.13b###27.16 be###29.92ab###26.10ce###34.55ab

###MC###22.97 f###25.29 cf###25.73bf###24.66c###26.02 ce###26.88be###25.25de###31.95cd

###MLE+MC###24.13 ef###25.70bf###24.97 df###24.93c###27.00ae###28.25ae###26.80be###33.86bc

CIM 598###Control###28.87ad###29.82 a###29.73 a###29.47ab###29.58a###28.32ae###28.62ad###26.59be###34.66ab###34.9a

###MLE###29.47 ab###29.14 bc###29.36 ab###29.32ab###29.12 ac###30.68 a###28.67ad###36.36a

###MC###28.60ad###29.50 ab###27.96ae###28.69ab###27.07 be###28.02ae###27.42ae###33.59bd

###MLE+MC###30.10 a###31.15 a###31.29 a###30.85a###28.67 ad###29.11ac###27.37ae###35.05ab


Table 5: Effect of foliar application of natural growth promoter MLE (Moringa leaf extract) and synthetic growth retardant MC (Mepiquate chloride)at different times of blooming on mean boll weight of conventional and Bt cotton cultivars


###spray###Days after blooming###Days after blooming


CIM 573###Control###3.03 h###3.08 gh###3.13 fh###3.08d###3.28b###2.95 c###3.09 ac###3.0 ac###3.02c###3.09

###MLE###3.19 eh###3.26 cg###3.28 bf###3.25c###2.99 bc###3.11 ac###3.03 ac###3.04bc

###MC###3.30 bf###3.24 dg###3.41 ad###3.31bc###3.16 bc###3.18 ab###3.07 bc###3.13ab

###MLE+MC###3.45 ac###3.48 ab###3.56 a###3.50a###3.19 ab###3.21 a###3.14 ac###3.18a

CIM 598###Control###3.42 ad###3.29 bf###3.34 be###3.35b###3.47a###3.05 ac###3.07 ac###3.02 ac###3.05bc###3.09

###MLE###3.37 ae###3.56 a###3.58 a###3.51a###3.12 ac###3.16 ac###3.09 ac###3.12ab

###MC###3.41ad###3.44 ad###3.54a###3.46a###3.04 ac###3.11 ac###3.05 ac###3.07bc

###MLE+MC###3.56 a###3.56 a###3.57 a###3.56a###3.09 ac###3.15 ac###3.10 ac###3.11ac


Table 6: Effect of foliar application of natural growth promoter MLE (Moringa leaf extract) and synthetic growth retardant MC (Mepiquate chloride)at different times of blooming on seed index (g) of conventional and Bt cotton cultivars


###spray###Days after blooming###Days after blooming


CIM 573###Control###7.26 k###7.32 k###7.35 jk###7.31g###7.73b###7.19 fg###7.47cg###7.59ag###7.42cd###7.73a

###MLE###7.68 hi###7.84 fi###8.03 eh###7.85ef###7.43 dg###7.72 af###7.79 ae###7.65bc

###MC###7.66 ij###7.76 gi###7.78 gi###7.73f###7.64ag###7.75 af###8.02 ac###7.81ab

###MLE+MC###7.88 fi###8.06 eg###8.14 df###89.03de###7.99 ad###8.05 ab###8.11 a###8.05a

CIM 598###Control###8.14 df###8.17 df###8.18 df###8.16cd###8.47a###7.09 g###7.19 fg###7.49bg###7.26d###7.56b

###MLE###8.45 bd###8.66 ac###8.7 ab###8.60b###7.42 dg###7.57ag###7.73 af###7.57bd

###MC###8.26 de###8.34 ce###8.38 be###8.33c###7.4 eg###7.67ag###7.76 af###7.61bc

###MLE+MC###8.67 ac###8.82 a###8.93 a###8.80a###7.58ag###7.69 af###8.13 a###7.80ab


Low GA concentration causes hardening of the cell wall and reduced flexibility, which inhibited the extension and reproduction ability of the cells (Lamas et al., 2000; Zhao and Oosterhuis, 2000; Biles and Cothren, 2001; Pettigrew and Johnson, 2005; Carualho et al., 2005; Taiz and Zeiger, 2009; Vahedi, 2010). Among cotton cultivars, CIM-573 produced taller plants, which might be due to the genetic variations in the genotypes (Bibi et al., 2011). Number of branches is one of the factors affecting the final seed cotton yield (Bibi et al., 2011). Foliar application of MLE produced significantly higher number of branches per plant as compared to other treatments. The increased number of branches in cotton plants might be due to the presence of zeatin in MLE, which is quite effective in retarding the abscission response (Cothren, 1999). Several studies indicated that number of fruiting branches per plant was significantly improved by the application of Kinetin (Sawan et al., 2000 and Kassem et al., 2009).

Similarly, improved amount of micronutrient in leaves might have increased the production of metabolites synthesized, and thus the plant had the chance to bear more fruiting branches (Elayan, 2008; Abdallah and Hanaa, 2013). Lower number of branches was observed with mepiquate chloride application which restricts the vegetative growth and thus enhances reproductive organs by allowing plants to direct more energy towards the reproductive structure (Sawan et al., 2001; O'Berry et al., 2009).

Table 7: Effect of foliar application of natural growth promoter MLE (Moringa leaf extract) and synthetic growth retardant MC (Mepiquate chloride)at different times of blooming on seed cotton yield (kg ha-1) of conventional and Bt cotton



###spray###Days after blooming###Days after blooming

###0###45###90###Mean###Mean 0###45###90###Mean###Mean

CIM 573###Control###2780 k###2920jk###3007ik###2902e###3092b 2677 f###3005cf###2708 f###2797c###3065b

###MLE###3103 gk###3338ej###3396dj###3279d###2962 df###3484 ab###2920 ef###3122b

###MC###2707 k###2916 jk###3162fk###2928e###3091bf###3216ae###2872 ef###3059b

###MLE+MC###3068 hk###3345ej###3367ej###3260d###3250ae###3438 ac###3160 be###3283ab

CIM 598###Control###3520ci###3551ci###3581ch###3550c###3802a 3195ae###3269ae###2943 ef###3136b###3252a

###MLE###3627 cg###3920 ad###4022 ac###3857b###3398 ad###3642 a###3299ae###3446a

###MC###3578ch###3735 be###3660 bf###3658bc###3044bf###3245ae###3093bf###3127b

###MLE+MC###3974 ac###4181ab###4279 a###4145a###3293ae###3430 ac###3169be###3298ab


Table 8: Effect of foliar application of natural growth promoter MLE (Moringa leaf extract) and synthetic growth retardant MC (Mepiquate chloride)at different times of blooming on cotton seed yield (kg ha-1) of conventional and Bt cotton cultivars


###spray###Days after blooming###Days after blooming

###0###45###90###Mean###Mean 0###45###90###Mean###Mean

CIM 573###Control###1681jk###1780hk###1841gk###1767d###1853b 1568e###1843ae###1590de###1767c###1810b




CIM 598###Control###2076ch###2099cg###2104cg###2093bc###2233a 1886ae###1985ac###1732be###1868ac###1936a





Table 9: Effect of foliar application of natural growth promoter MLE (Moringa leaf extract) and synthetic growth retardant MC (Mepiquate chloride)at different times of blooming on lint yield (kg ha-1) of conventional and Bt cotton cultivars


###spray###Days after blooming###Days after blooming


CIM 573###Control###1099l###1139kl###1166jl###1135e###1238b###1109i###1163gi###1118hi###1130d###1255b




CIM 598###Control###1444eh###1451dh###1476dg###1457c###1570a###1310bf###1284cg###1211fi###1268c###1316a





Bolls per plant have direct influence and major role in managing seed cotton yield (Bibi et al., 2011). Higher number of bolls per plant from Bt cotton cultivar with the application of plant growth regulators at 45 and 90 days after blooming might be due to higher number of squares and flowers, depending on the increased photosynthetic activity (Sawan et al., 2006; Gebaly, 2011). As bolls on cotton plants treated with plant growth regulators have larger photosynthetic sinks for carbohydrates and other metabolites that increased the dry matter concentration (Zhao and Oosterhuis, 1999; Gulluoglu, 2004).

Table 10: Effect of foliar application of natural growth promoter MLE (Moringa leaf extract) and synthetic growth retardant MC (Mepiquate chloride)at different times of blooming on lint index (g) of conventional and Bt cotton cultivars


###spray###Days after blooming###Days after blooming


CIM 573###Control###4.86 ik###4.77 jk###4.59 k###4.74e###5.13 ab###4.61ab###4.98 ab###4.91###5.03

###MLE###5.08 hk###5.07 hk###5.52 eh###5.22d###5.18b###5.14 ab###5.04 ab###5.28 a###5.16

###MC###5.33 fi###5.38 fi###5.28 gj###5.33d###4.92 ab###4.87 ab###5.22 ab###5.00

###MLE+MC###5.30 gi###5.5 eh###5.5 eh###5.43cd###4.99 ab###5.03 ab###5.12 ab###5.04

CIM 598###Control###5.59dh###5.62 dh###5.73 cg###5.65c###6.01a###5.01 ab###4.68 ab###4.99 ab###4.92###4.9

###MLE###5.98 be###6.11 ad###6.28 ab###6.12ab###5.04 ab###4.94 ab###5.08 ab###5.02

###MC###6.03 ae###5.99 ae###5.85 bf###5.96b###5.09 ab###4.93 ab###4.75 ab###4.89

###MLE+MC###6.18 ac###6.19 ac###6.52 a###6.30a###4.41 b###4.81 ab###5.09 ab###4.77


Table 11: Effect of foliar application of natural growth promoter MLE (Moringa leaf extract) and synthetic growth retardant MC (Mepiquate chloride)at different times of blooming on ginning percentage of conventional and Bt cotton cultivars


###spray###Days after blooming###Days after blooming


CIM 573###Control###39.72 ac###39.07bc###38.83 c###39.21c###40.08b###41.54###38.98###41.27###40.60###41.08

###MLE###39.91 ac###39.83 ac###40.57 ac###40.10bc###41.65###41.05###41.85###41.52

###MC###41.20 ac###40.90 ac###40.24 ac###40.78ab###40.77###40.22###42.16###41.05

###MLE+MC###40.34 ac###39.96 ac###40.41 ac###40.24ac###40.65###41.26###41.63###41.18

CIM 598###Control###40.99 ac###40.82 ac###41.16 ac###41.0ab###41.26a###41.21###39.37###41.23###40.61###40.54

###MLE###41.58 ac###41.14 ac###41.87 a###41.53a###41.32###40.55###41.48###41.12

###MC###41.68 ab###41.38 ac###40.65 ac###41.24ab###40.90###40.76###40.02###40.56

###MLE+MC###41.26 ac###40.98 ac###41.57 ac###41.27ab###38.09###40.18###41.40###39.89


This process increases boll formation and boll weight (Sawan et al., 2006; Ren et al., 2013). As cytokinin present in MLE help in producing more and larger fruits (Foidle et al., 2001). Similarly, reduced shedding of squares and bolls improved the photosynthetic activity, which in turn resulted in an increase in boll weight (Bondada and Oosterhuis, 2000). This might be due to the effect of both growth regulators on the increase of cell number and size, which increased boll production (Gebaly, 2011). Heavier seed as a result of plant growth regulators applications may be due to increase in photosynthetic activity, which stimulates dry matter accumulation (Gardner, 1988) and in turn increases formation of fully- mature seed and thus increases seed weight (Mekki, 1999; Al-Kahal et al., 2007).

This indicates that cotton bolls treated with growth regulators had larger sinks for carbohydrates and other metabolites than untreated bolls (Kumar et al., 2004), which in turn increased formation of fully mature seeds and, thus, increased seed weight (Mekki, 1999; Sawan et al., 2001; Lamas, 2001).

Exogenous application of growth regulators at 45 and 90 days after blooming enhanced the yield significantly as compared with control. Improved yield from Bt cotton cultivar (CIM-598) with the application of growth regulators can be credited primarily to significantly higher number of squares, flowers and bolls per plant (Abbas et al., 2013) which indicated the encouraging effect of these substances on various physiological processes, leading to the enhancement of all yield components (Sawan, 2014). It was observed that foliar application of essential elements especially calcium enriched MLE was found promising to improve flowering, fruit retention and final yield (Foidle et al., 2001; Yasmeen et al., 2013). The increase may also be due to the positive role of cytokinins, which stimulate cell division and enlarge the cell contains (Gebaly, 2011).

Similarly, application of mepiquate chloride at peak flowering stage may maintain internal hormonal balance, efficient sink source relationship and thus enhance crop productivity (ZhenLin et al., 1995; Gebaly and El-Gabiery, 2012).


Exogenous application of natural growth promoter (MLE) alone and in combination with synthetic growth retatdant (MC) at 45 days after blooming enhanced absolute growth rate, number of squares per plant in Bt while leaf specific weight in non Bt cultivar. However, when same treatment was applied at 90 days after blooming improved the number of bolls per plant, seed cotton yield, cotton seed yield, lint yield and lint index in Bt cotton at both sites.


This study was a part of Ph.D. thesis entitled "Growth, yield and quality response of cotton as influenced by growth regulators, planting geometry and fertilizer application under agro-climatic conditions of Multan". Authors are thankful to the Department of Agronomy, Bahauddin Zakariya University Multan, for provision of research facilities for experimentation.


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Author:Yasmeen, Azra; Arif, Muhammad; Hussain, Nazim; Malik, Waqas; Qadir, Ihsan
Publication:International Journal of Agriculture and Biology
Article Type:Report
Geographic Code:9PAKI
Date:Dec 31, 2016
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