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More cuties line up; Latest lot of entries to contest.

SO is your kid cuter then these little cherubs? The bar has been set as the Chronicle's search for the cutest child on Tyneside gathers pace.

This is just a handful of the hopefuls we have had so far. As well as the prestige for the winner, there are also prizes up for grabs. Just follow the instructions below to enter.

BABY-FACED Above, from left, Carly Battista and Baby Lilly-Beth Shaw; Claire Shaw with baby Shayne Battista; Channelle Walker and baby Carly Francis Walker; Katrina Walker with baby James Dearden and Gemma Welsh-Smith wih baby Florence Welsh-Smith. Left and right, some of the entrants. Far right, photographer Haldana Morton
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Publication:Evening Chronicle (Newcastle, England)
Date:Aug 30, 2012
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