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Montana AFL-CIO convention delegates adopt resolution against violence against healthcare workers.

Delegates to the 59th Annual Montana AFL-CIO Constitutional Convention unanimously passed a resolution supporting legislation which criminalizes violence against first responders and healthcare workers. The resolution reads as follows:

Whereas, death and injury from workplace violence in healthcare settings are a significant occupational hazard that also threatens patient safety and well- being; and

Whereas, according to the Department of Labor's Bureau of Labor Statistics, healthcare workers suffer injuries associated with workplace violence at almost twice the rate of all other private sector workers; and

Whereas, research indicates that work-related assaults and injuries associated with violence in the field and healthcare settings are often discouraged from reporting assaults or threats of violence; and

Whereas, MT AFOCIO members have been assaulted on the job in the field and in healthcare facilities:

NOW BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that MT AFLCIO support state legislation which criminalizes violence against first responders and healthcare workers.

Amy Hauschild, BSN, RN Labor Representative, Montana Nurses Association District 7 Representative, AFL-CIO Executive Board

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Title Annotation:Labor Reports and News
Author:Hauschild, Amy
Publication:The Pulse
Geographic Code:1U8MT
Date:Aug 1, 2015
Previous Article:What is the collective bargaining assembly (CBA).
Next Article:Communication is key.

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