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Module combines digital, analog, and serial expansion.

The Seal/O-570 Module provides eight single-ended 16-bit analog inputs, eight optically isolated digital inputs, and eight Form C relay outputs. The A/D inputs are independently software selectable for [+ or -]5-VDCor [+ or -]15-VDC ranges and feature high input impedance. The eight isolated inputs are rated for 5 to 30 VDC and have 3,500-VDC external isolation; the eight Form C outputs are configurable and can switch DC loads up to 24 W.


Options connect to a host device via wireless, Ethernet, RS-485, USB, or RS-232. Field-removable terminal blocks are standard. The modules operate from 9 to 30 VDC, and power can be input by a terminal block or DC jack. Table-and DIN rail-mounting options are available, and up to 247 modules can be daisy chained. Sealevel Systems,

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Title Annotation:Sealevel Systems Inc.
Publication:EE-Evaluation Engineering
Article Type:Brief article
Geographic Code:1USA
Date:May 1, 2011
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