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Michigan signs anti-ergonomics bill.

Republican Michigan Governor Rick Snyder has signed a bill repealing the state's mandatory workplace ergonomic rules.

The rules--which were worked on by the previous Democrat Governor but not enacted--aimed to limit injuries to workers caused by lifting, repetitive motion and awkward work positions.

Snyder said the mandatory regulations would have placed an 'undue burden' on businesses, many of which Snyder said already have good ergonomics practices.

Businesses argued that complying with the regulations could have been costly. The new law ensures Michigan cannot have stricter ergonomics rules than the federal government.

Unions said the new bill limits the state's ability to protect workers.

'Safe lifting techniques, proper posture, appropriate seating position, and adaptive equipment are only a few of the many examples of ergonomics in the workplace. Now our lawmakers are spending their efforts to do away with these safety regulations in the workplace, instead of focusing on important items--like rebuilding Michigan's economy,' the American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO) said on its website.

'Safe lifting techniques, proper posture, appropriate seating position, and adaptive equipment are only a few of the many examples of ergonomics in the workplace. Now our lawmakers are spending their efforts to do away with these safety regulations in the workplace.'

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Publication:The Lamp
Geographic Code:1U3MI
Date:Jun 1, 2011
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