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Mersey men charged over Isle of Man drugs ring.

Byline: JENNY KIRKHAM ECHO Reporter [email protected] @PJ_Kirkham

FOUR men from Merseyside were arrested in an operation carried out by Manx Police into an organised crime group bringing drugs to the island.

It is believed that a gang, based in Merseyside, have been importing large amounts of Class A and B drugs to the Isle of Man since January 2018.

In the last year, police officers in the Isle of Man have seized over PS1m worth of drugs along with significant amounts of cash and vehicles.

During the year-long operation to tackle the group, the Isle of Man Constabulary began working closely with Merseyside Police and the Regional Organised Crime Unit in an operation which culminated in the arrest of four men from Merseyside.

Two other men, from the island, were also arrested.

A spokesperson for the Constabulary said: "Officers from the Drug and Organised Crime Unit of the Isle of Man Constabulary have arrested six males for being concerned in the Production of Controlled drugs to the Isle of Man.

"This has been part of an ongoing operation where an organised crime group based in the Merseyside area have been targeting the Isle of Man, importing large amounts of Class A and B drugs to the Island.

"Between January 2018 and February 2019, the Isle of Man Constabulary has seized drugs valued at over PS1m as part of this specific operation alone in addition to significant cash and vehicle seizures.

"This operation has led to the Isle of Man Constabulary working closely with Merseyside Police and the Regional Organised Crime Unit to secure the arrests of four males from the Merseyside area.

"Two other males arrested were local residents. All males are currently being questioned in relation to the alleged offences."

Detective Inspector Juan Kinley said: "The Isle of Man Constabulary is working hard to ensure the Isle of Man remains a safe place to live and work. We will be relentless in our pursuit of those in the UK, particularly in Merseyside, who seek to import drugs to our island.

"Public safety is important to us as it directly links to the quality of life of our community".


The picturesque Isle

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Publication:Liverpool Echo (Liverpool, England)
Geographic Code:4EUUI
Date:Feb 22, 2019
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