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Meet one of UK's biggest babies weighing at 15lb 7oz.

London, Mar 23 ( ANI ): Just a month old, George is already 2ft 2in tall and wears babygros meant for six-month-olds.

George is one of the biggest babies born naturally in the UK at a whopping 15lb 7oz, the Sun reported.

Mum Jade Packer gave birth to the super-sized youngster, double the average weight, after a 16-hour labour during which he nearly died.

Overjoyed Jade, 21, who is 5ft 7in said that it was a massive shock for everyone, as no one had any idea he would be this big.

George, who arrived 15 days late on February 11, was given just a ten percent chance of survival after he got stuck during birth because of his broad shoulders.

He was unable to breathe for 20 minutes until nurses at the Gloucestershire Royal Infirmary managed to resuscitate him.

He was rushed to a specialist baby unit at St Michael's Hospital in Bristol.

After two weeks in hospital he is home in Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, with Jade and dad Ryan King.

He is thought to be the second largest baby born naturally in Britain, after 15lbs 8oz Guy Carr of Barrow-in-Furness, Cumbria, who arrived in 1992.

The world record was a boy packing 23lb 12oz in Ohio, US, in 1879. ( ANI )


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Publication:Asian News International
Geographic Code:4EUUK
Date:Mar 23, 2013
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