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Many channels, no choice: many Americans think that news and entertainment providers differ from one another. in reality, the same global cabal essentially controls them all. (The Media Cartel).

For the Joneses -- a hypothetical, representative middle-American family -- the typical day begins at 5:30 a.m., with ESPN Radio blaring from Dad's clock radio. As Dad, morning cup of coffee in hand, skims the headlines of his "local" newspaper (which actually is an outlet for the Gannett newspaper chain), Mom watches the Today show as she fixes breakfast. Later in the morning, after the rest of the family is away at school and work, Mom -- her schedule permitting -- may sit down and watch The View or take in a movie on the Lifetime cable network.

The family's two school-age children begin the day with a news digest presented by CNN's Channel One service. Lunchtime conversations with friends are invariably peppered with references to prime-time television and pop stars such as Justin Timberlake, Christina Aguilera, and Eminem. Dad spends part of his lunch break listening to Rush Limbaugh, and catches a bit of Sean Hannity's syndicated radio talk show during the drive home. After dinner, the kids log on to America Online to play computer games. Some nights, Dad drives to Blockbuster to pick up the latest Disney film on DVD. On other nights, part of the family will sample from current prime-time fare -- particularly "reality" programs like Survivor or Joe Millionaire -- while the kids (each of whom has a personal television set) spend some "quality time" communing with MTV.

Like tens of millions of their fellow Americans, the hypothetical (but quite typical) Jones family has spent an entire day comfortably cocooned inside the media matrix. For several hours they have consumed thoughts, opinions, and performances pre-packaged for them by people they do not know and will never meet. The Jones' worldview has been molded -- sometimes subtly, sometimes brazenly -- by people with an agenda, people who are, almost without exception, somehow connected to one of about a half-dozen global media conglomerates. And, as the previous article demonstrated, the media cartel itself is an instrument of a shadowy global power elite seeking total political, economic, and cultural control over the world.

One Elite, Many Conduits

The explosive growth of talk radio, the proliferation of cable television channels, and the rise of the Internet have created an unprecedented wealth of news and entertainment options. But the number of news outlets does not guarantee diversity if they merely stem from the same dominant cartel. Through a series of corporate mergers that took place over the past decade, the news and entertainment media have effectively fallen under the control of a handful of transnational conglomerates: AOL Time Warner, Disney, Viacom, News Corp, and Sony.

Passive media consumers generally don't understand the extent to which the cartel limits their options. For example, Viacom owns both the CBS and UPN television networks, as well as Showtime, MTV, Paramount Pictures, and Simon & Schuster books. Disney owns the ABC, A&E, and Lifetime networks, co-owns ESPN, and operates Disney's well-known motion picture properties. AOL Time Warner is not only the world's largest Internet service provider, but also owns the CNN, TNT, TBS, and HBO networks, Warner Brothers studios, and a host of publishing ventures.

Projecting from present trends into the near future, Neil Hickey of the Columbia Journalism Review paints a "nightmare scenario in which "some transnational company that knows little and cares less about your community ... will own your local daily and weekly newspapers, all your television and radio stations, the cable system, the Internet service provider, several of the national networks that serve you, your local video stores and movie houses, many of the magazines and books you read, and all of the sports teams in your area."

This media monolith "would allow endless cross-promotion of the owner's interests and probably very little hard news," Hickey continues. But media consolidation offers even more sinister possibilities. Eventually, Hickey predicts, "Everything you see, every opinion, every image, and every jot of information [could] arrive through one corporate filter." This prospect becomes even more ominous when you consider that a cabal would manage the "corporate filter" through which all news, views, and opinions would pass -- a cabal that seeks total dominion, both political and economic, over the entire globe.

The CFR's Corporate Shadows

If you've recently watched the nightly news or prime-time TV, bought a best-selling book, picked up a "local" newspaper, bought a CD, or attended a movie, chances are that the product in question has passed through a CFR-connected corporate filter.

In January 2001, a $165 billion merger joined America Online (AOL), the world's largest Internet service provider, with Time Warner, creating history's largest news, entertainment, and publishing conglomerate. The key players in the merger were Gerald Levin and W. Thomas Johnson, both of whom are members of the CFR. Even a cursory review of the corporate rolls of AOL Time Warner and its CNN news subsidiary demonstrates that the CFR essentially runs both operations (see the chart on page 13).

Both AOL Time Warner and Disney/ABC are CFR corporate members, and together they control more than $200 billion in news and entertainment assets. Vivendi Universal and Sony round out the global media-entertainment complex, accounting for large chunks of the movie and music industry. Both Vivendi and Sony's American subsidiary are corporate CFR members.

Two CFR members currently serve on the board of directors for Gannett Co., which publishes USA Today, owns a string of nearly identical "local" newspapers, and operates scores of television stations coast-to-coast. And as the previous article points out, the Washington Post and New York Times -- the tone-setting newspapers for both the print and electronic media -- are essentially CFR print organs.

The Times, as self-appointed gatekeeper of "All the News that's Fit to Print," remains the single most important media organ in terms of defining the issues that constitute the "news," and shaping coverage of them. Decades ago, Herbert Matthews, the Times correspondent who used his post to promote Fidel Castro's rise to power, once boasted that the paper is "the most powerful journalistic instrument that has ever been forged in the free world." The writers and editors whose work fills the Times' column space, Matthews declared, "use arms that, metaphorically speaking, are the equivalent of nuclear bombs."

"The New York Times achieves very considerable editorial effect by selecting and positioning the news," pointed out Herman H. Dinsmore, a defector from the Times editorial staff, in his expose All the News that Fits. "As the Times goes, so goes a large part of the nation's press." This remains true even in the age of 24/7 cable news and the Internet: The CFR-dominated Times continues to be the supposed "gold standard" against which the credibility of other news sources is measured.

Cartel "Conservatives"

Because the CFR has strategically seeded its personnel throughout the media cartel, its interests are represented no matter which elements of the cartel currently enjoy a competitive advantage. And the CFR's media cartel has dominant influence over both the leftist "mainstream" media and significant elements of the "conservative" media.

"The media is kind of weird these days, and there are some major institutional voices that are, truthfully speaking, part and parcel of the Republican Party," groused former Vice President Al Gore in an interview with the New York Observer. "Fox News Network, the Washington Times, Rush Limbaugh -- there's a bunch of them.... Most of the media have been slow to recognize the pervasive impact of this fifth column in their ranks...."

In using the expression "fifth column," Gore illustrated the common liberal conceit that conservative perspectives have no legitimate role in the "mainstream" media, which is to exclusively propagate liberal views. Thus conservative viewpoints, from Gore's perspective, must be smuggled into the media through stealthy, disciplined action.

The truth is that the liberal media have lost both credibility and consumer share in recent years. The major network newscasts, featuring Dan Rather (CFR) at CBS, Tom Brokaw (CFR) at NBC, and Peter Jennings at ABC, confront plummeting ratings and a dwindling audience of aging viewers. CNN, the jewel in the AOL Time Warner crown, has been consistently beaten in the ratings by Fox News. Does this mean, as Gore complained, that the media have taken on a "weird" -- meaning conservative -- character? Not necessarily. Moreover, the ascendancy of Fox News illustrates the extent of the CFR-headed media cartel's control.

Fox News is the showpiece property of News Corn, a transnational media empire owned by Australian expatriate -- and CFR member -- Rupert Murdoch. The $38 billion Murdoch global empire (which includes the New York Post and a half-dozen major publishers) was built on a foundation of Fleet Street tabloids in London. Fox Broadcasting Company's primetime entertainment programs rely heavily on titillation and "edgy" sexual content.

In April 2000, Murdoch's News Corn sponsored a conference in New York City entitled "Global Forum: America's Role in the World," which attracted dozens of political and journalistic heavyweights from the CFR and its sister elitist front group the Trilateral Commission. In the May 8,2000 issue of The New Republic, Franklin Foer described the event as Murdoch's "own personal Council on Foreign Relations" -- a meeting of the power elite given a Murdoch-style media makeover. "Panelists entered the room to videos with frenetic graphics and loud sound effects suspiciously similar to those used to introduce players on Fox's NFL broadcasts," observed Foer.

Panelists included CFR luminaries Newt Gingrich, Robert Kerry, Colin Powell, Robert Rubin, and Henry Kissinger. World Bank President James Wolfensohn and former Soviet dictator Mikhail Gorbachev were also on hand to dispense their globalist insights. The list of opinion molders in the audience included conservative talk radio mega-star Rush Limbaugh.

Conservatives and liberals alike regard Murdoch's Fox News Channel as a right-leaning alternative to CNN and the network evening news. It is true that Fox News has given a platform to conservative pundits and talking heads, and during its relatively brief lifespan it has shown initiative and independence in covering many stories spiked by other Establishment networks. Yet there is ample reason for conservatives to watch Fox News with the same critical eye that they would apply to other news networks.

Fox News boasts the motto, "We report -- you decide," which many perceive as a commitment to independence and objectivity. But that credo can also be viewed as a variation on the New York Times' motto, "All the News that's Fit to Print." After all, who decides what is reported by Fox News? Do Murdoch's Insider connections and calculations of corporate self-interest play a gatekeeping role in defining Fox's news coverage? Murdoch's media track record abroad demonstrates that he's very much in the business of dispensing managed news.

Murdoch's cynicism has been conspicuous in his dealings with Communist China. "In 1994 ... News Corp's publishing house HarperCollins printed a glowing biography of the then-Chinese leader, Deng Xiaoping, by his daughter, Mao Mao," noted independent Chinese writer Yun Ding in the April 2001 New Internationalist. "In 1998 it dropped a more critical book by former Governor of Hong Kong Chris Patten whilst Murdoch stepped up his cultivation of senior Party figures. His UK paper The Times hosted the editor of the People's Daily Shao Huaze -- appointed as part of the 1989 post-Tiananmen crackdown -- on a tour of Britain to mark a joint venture between the paper, China's equivalent of Pravda, and News Corp. Former East Asia editor of The Times Jonathan Mirsky told a Freedom Forum gathering in January 1998 that the paper 'has simply decided, because of Murdoch's interests, not to cover China in a serious way.'"

News Corp's Phoenix TV channel -- the only nominally private channel in Communist China -- is chaired by former Chinese People's Liberation Army officer Liu Changle. In January 2001, Phoenix launched a 24-hour newscast that, according to Huaze, "sticks to the correct political line so closely that Premier Zhu Rongji saw fit to announce at a press conference how often he watched Phoenix."

Good Morning China, Phoenix's attempt to import U.S.-style morning programs to mainland China, dutifully "reports editorials from the major state newspapers," notes Huaze. Murdoch's Chinese TV network carefully avoids subjects like the government's crackdown on the peaceful Falun Gong sect or labor unrest. "The biggest challenge will be how to balance between appealing to the general public without offending government authorities," explains Phoenix Chairman Liu. At a press conference held at his Fox Studios in Los Angeles, Murdoch candidly described the Phoenix network's censorship policy: "If a TV program covers forbidden ground, we will have no choice but to delete it from our broadcast."

Government-Media Collusion

Murdoch is hardly the only member of the global media cartel to prostitute himself before Beijing's Communist rulers. The media cartel's top leadership gathered in Shanghai in September 1999 for the "Fortune Global Forum," an event sponsored by Time-Warner timed to coincide with celebrations of the 50th anniversary of the Communist conquest of China. CNN founder Ted Turner set the tone for the event in his opening speech by announcing that he was "a socialist at heart."

In his speech, then-Time Warner CEO Gerald Levin (CFR) publicly fawned over his "good friend" Chinese President Jiang Zemin. Levin told his audience he had "been privileged to spend considerable time" with Jiang, and praised the Communist ruler's "sincerity, openness and thoughtful insights into the history and politics of my own nation.... He has worked tirelessly to ensure that his nation has the means to improve the material condition of its people's lives."

"It is the hope of this Fortune Global Forum," Levin declared, to bring together "international leaders from the public and private sectors" and create the kind of "economic, environmental and existential bonds that tie us all to a common human fate." Translated into practical terms, what Levin and his fellow media moguls were seeking was access to the captive Chinese market. "All you business leaders, set your eyes on China," declared Jiang in his own address. "China welcomes you. China's modernization needs your participation, and China's economic development will also offer you tremendous opportunities."

Those opportunities, of course, require that businessmen accept dictation from Beijing -- a condition that the global media masters eagerly accept. Sumner Redstone, CEO of media giant Viacom (which owns CBS) volunteered that the press should avoid being "unnecessarily offensive to the government" of China. "We do not view it as our role to tell the government of China how to run China," insisted Redstone. "We want to do business. We cannot succeed in China without being a friend of... the Chinese government."

Such statements obviously diminish the major media's credibility in covering China. But the problem runs much deeper. After all, in kowtowing to the Butchers of Beijing, the lords of the media universe -- including "conservative" mogul Rupert Murdoch -- have admitted that they shape, mold, and sculpt the news to benefit that corrupt ruling elite.

It is said that Winston Churchill, during a conversation with an unpleasant woman, asked if she would compromise her virtue in exchange for one million pounds. After she replied that she would, Churchill inquired: "Well, how about for one pound?" "Winston! What sort of woman do you think I am?" responded the outraged woman. To which Churchill offered the unforgettable reply: "Madam, that matter has already been solved. Now we're just haggling over your price."

Similarly, the media masters, in seeking Beijing's favor, admitted to being prostitutes. If they'll sell themselves into the service of the Chinese Communist Party, they're obviously willing to perform the same corrupt service on behalf of the global power elite, for which the global media cartel is an indispensable weapon in the drive for global hegemony. The so-called conservative wing of the media cartel may offer a somewhat different editorial content than the liberal wing -- but don't expect that content to differ so greatly that it throws the power elite's agenda off track.

RELATED ARTICLE: CFR Elitists Pulling the Strings

Many members of the Insider Establishment's Council on Foreign Relations hold key media posts. The following partial list illustrates the CFR's media dominance, which plays a critical role in advancing the drive for world government.


AOL Time Warner

Chief Executive Officer/COO Richard D. Parsons

Board Member Frank J. Caufield

Board Member Carla A. Hills

Board Member Franklin D. Raines

Executive Vice President for Global & Strategic Policy Robert M. Kimmett

Time, Inc. Editor-in-Chief Norman Pearlstine

Time, Inc. Editor-at-Large Henry Muller

Time magazine Editor James P. Kelly

Time magazine Washington Bureau Correspondent Massimo Calabresi

Time magazine Staff Writer Romesh Ratnesar

CNN News Group CEO & Chairman of the Board Walter Isaacson

CNN Senior Vice President/Washington Bureau Chief Frank Sesno

CNN President of Newsgathering & Chief News Executive Eason T. Jordon

CNN Anchor Paula Zahn

CNN Reliable Sources Panelist Bernard Kalb

Associated Press

Vice President/Director of World Services Claude E. Erbsen

Board Member John W. Madigan

Bloomberg Financial Markets

Michael R. Bloomberg

Bloomberg Markets Senior Writer Joel Dreyfus


Chief Executive Officer Michael Eisner

Board Member John E. Bryson

Board Member Monica C. Lozano

Board Member George J. Mitchell

Board Member Thomas S. Murphy

ABC-TV Anchor Diane Sawyer

ABC-TV Anchor Barbara Walters

Gannett News Service

James A. Johnson, board member

Donna Shalala, board member

The News Corporation

Chairman & Chief Executive K. Rupert Murdoch

Fox News Sunday Host Tony Snow


Board Member David T. McLaughlin

CBS Evening News Anchor Dan Rather

CBS Market Watch Columnist Marshall Loeb


For ABC, CBS, CNN, and Fox, see "Mega-Media Conglomerates."


NBC Nightly News Anchor/Managing Editor Tom Brokaw


PBS NewsHour Executive Editor & Anchor James C. Lehrer

PBS NewsHour Executive Producer Lester M. Crystal

PBS The McLaughlin Group Panelist Morton Kondracke

National Public Radio Senior News Analyst Daniel L. Schorr


Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Editorial Page Editor Cynthia A. Tucker

Dallas Morning News

National and Foreign Senior Editor Ricardo Chavira

Editorial Page Editor Rena Pederson

Dow Jones and Company

Dow Jones & Co. Chairman & CEO Peter Kann

Dow Jones & Co. Senior Vice President & Publisher of Wall Street Journal Karen Elliott House

Wall Street Journal Editor Robert L. Bartley

Wall Street Journal Managing Editor Paul E. Steiger

Wall Street Journal Deputy Editorial Page Editor Daniel Henninger

Wall Street Journal Associate Editorial Page Editor Melanie M. Kirkpatrick

Wall Street Journal International Deputy Editorial Page Editor George Melloan

Wall Street Journal Chief Editorial Writer William McGurn

Wall Street Journal Foreign Editor John Bussey

Wall Street Journal Deputy Washington Bureau Chief Gerald F. Seib

Wall Street Journal Supreme Court Staff Reporter Robert S. Greenberger

Wall Street Journal Pentagon Correspondent & Economic Features Editor Carla Robbins

Dow Jones News Service Washington Bureau Chief John T. Connor, Jr.

Barron's Editor & President Edwin A. Finn, Jr.

Financial Times(of London)

Columnist Amity Shlaes

New Jersey Star-Ledger

Columnist Thomas Kean

New York Daily News

Columnist A.M. Rosenthal

New York Times Company

Editorial Board Member David C. Unger

Editorial Board Member Steven R. Weisman

New York Times Foreign Affairs Columnist Thomas L. Friedman

New York Times UN Bureau Chief Serge Schmemann

Boston Globe Columnist H.D.S. Greenway +

Tribune Co.

CEO/Chairman of the Board John W. Madigan

Los Angeles Times Washington Bureau Chief Doyle McManus

Los Angeles Times National Security Writer Robin Wright

Los Angeles Times Deputy Southern California Living Section Editor Nancy A. Yoshihara

Newsday (Long Island, N.Y.) Vice President & Editorial Page Editor James M. Klurfield

Washington Post Company

Washington Post Editor Leonard Downie Jr. #

Washington Post Editorial Page Editor Fred Hiatt

Washington Post Deputy Editorial Page Editor Jackson K. Diehl

Washington Post Deputy Foreign Editor John A. Burgess

Washington Post Associate Editor/Chief Foreign Affairs Correspondent Jim Hoagland

Washington Post Foreign Desk Associate Editor Karen J. DeYoung

Syndicated Columnists

Doug Bandow #

William F. Buckley Jr.

Linda Chavez

Richard Cohen

Georgie Anne Geyer

Mark Helprin

Morton Kondracke

Charles Krauthammer

Dan Rather

Tony Snow

R. Emmett Tyrrell Jr.

George Will


For Time magazine, see "Mega-Media Conglomerates" on the previous page.

American Spectator

Editor-in-Chief R. Emmett Tyrrell Jr.

Vice President of Board of Directors Richard V. Allen

Board Member Jeane Kirkpatrick

Atlantic Monthly

National Correspondent James Fallows

Contributing Editor William Schneider

Business Week

Editor-in Chief Stephen B. Shepard

Editorial Page Editor Bruce Nussbaum

Columbia Journalism Review

Publisher & Editorial Director David Laventhol


Editor-at-Large Norman Podhoretz

Managing Editor Gary Rosen

Farm Journal

Editor Sonja Hillgren


Deputy Managing Editor Stewart Pinkerton

Forbes Global Senior Ed. (Asia) Justin Doebele

Foreign Affairs

Publisher David Kellogg

Editor James F. Hoge Jr.

Foreign Policy

Contributing Editor Jorge I. Dominquez

Editorial Board Members:

* Morton I. Abramowitz

* John Deutch

* Frances FitzGerald

* Stanley Hoffman

* Robert D. Hormats

* Thomas L. Hughes

* Jessica T. Mathews

* Donald F. McHenry

* Joseph S. Nye, Jr.

* John E. Rielly

* William D. Rogers

* Helmut Sonnenfeldt

* Lawrence Summers

* Strobe Talbott

* Richard H. Ullman

* Stephen M. Walt


Editor Lewis H. Lapham

Industry Week

Editor-at-Large Richard Osborne

The National Interest

Publisher James Schlesinger

National Review

Editor Richard A. Lowry

Editor-at-Large/Founder William F. Buckley Jr.

Contributing Editor John Hillen

Contributor Eliot A. Cohen

Contributor James Gardner

Contributor Michael Novak #

Contributor Vin Weber

Columnist Deroy Murdock

Naval War College Review

Dean of Naval Warfare Studies & Editor-in-Chief Alberto R. Coil

Advisory Board Members:

* James R. Kurth

* Robert J. Murray

* George H. Quester

* Eugene V. Rostow*

* Bernard E. Trainor


Chair & Founding Publisher Stanley Sheinbaum

Editor & Board of Directors Member Nathan Gardels

NPQ Board of Advisors Members:

* Honorary Member Bruce Babbitt

* Joan Didion

* Sidney Drell

* Marvin L. Goldberger

* Abraham Lowenthal

* Walter Russell Mead

* Ronald Steel

* Lester Thurow

The New Republic

Contributing Editor Fouad Ajami

Contributing Editor Charles Krauthammer

Contributing Editor Ronald Steel

Literary Editor Leon Wieseltier

New York Review of Books

Editor Barbara Epstein

Editor Robert B. Silvers


Chairman/Editor-in-Chief Richard M. Smith

Editor Mark Whitaker

Managing Editor Jon Meacham

Washington Bureau Assistant Managing Editor Evan Thomas

Senior Editor/Chief of Correspondents Marcus Mabry

Contributing Editor Holly Peterson

Contributing Editor Jane Bryant Quinn

Contributing Editor George Will

National Security Correspondent John L. Barry

Paris Correspondent Christopher Dickey

Newsweek international Editor Fareed Zakaria

Political Science Quarterly

Editorial Advisory Board Members:

* Robert J. Art

* Jorge I. Dominquez

* Rodolfo O. de la Garza

* Robert Jervis

* Andrew J. Nathan

* Nelson W. Polsby

* William B. Quandt

* Arthur Schlesinger Jr.

* M. Crawford Young

The Progressive

Editorial Advisory Board Members:

* Richard Falk

* Edward W. Said

* Daniel Schorr

* Roger Wilkins

Public Interest

Editor Nathan Glazer

Editor Irving Kristol

Roll Call

Executive Editor Morton Kondracke

Contributing Writer Norman J. Ornstein

Board of Editors Members:

* Anne Armstrong

* Zbigniew Brzezinski

* William Clark Jr.

* Francis Fukuyama

* Robert Gallucci

* Amos A. Jordan

* Max M. Kampelman

* Simon Serafty

* Stephen Sestanovich

The Washingtonian

Chairman and Publisher Philip Merrill

National Editor Kenneth Adelman

Contributing Editor John G. Kester

Weekly Standard

Contributing Editor Robert Kagan

Contributing Editor Tod Linberg


Contributing Editor Elise O'Shaughnessey

Contributing Editor Bernard Kirsner #

World Policy Journal

Editor Karl E. Meyer


Founding Publisher Lester R. Brown



Chairman and CEO C. Michael Armstrong

SBC Yahoo

President William M. Daley

Verizon Communications

Board of Directors Members:

* Helene L. Kaplan

* Walter V. Shipley

* Hugh B. Price


Corporate Benefactors:

* ABC, Inc.

* AOL Time Warner, Inc.

* AT&T

* Sony Corporation of America

* Verizon Communications

* Vivendi Universal S.A.

Corporate Members:

* Bloomberg Financial Markets

* The Walt Disney Company

* General Electric Co. (owner of NBC)


Chairman's Circle ($25,000 or more):

* Laurence Alan Tisch (former owner of CBS)

Harold Pratt Associates ($10,000-$24,999):

* Mortimer B. Zuckerman

* Carla A. Hills

Sponsors ($1, 000-$4,999):

* Thomas S. Murphy

* Normal Pearlstine

* Syndicated Columnist A.M. Rosenthal

* Diane Sawyer

Donors ($500-$999):

* The New Republic Contributing Editor Fouad Ajami

* Thomas L. Friedman

* Syndicated Columnist Walter Russell Mead

* Donna Shalala

Contributors ($499 or less):

* Christian Science Monitor Syndicated Foreign Affairs Columnist Pat Holt

# Former CFR member

+ The Globe is owned by the New York Times.
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Article Details
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Author:Grigg, William Norman
Publication:The New American
Geographic Code:1USA
Date:Feb 10, 2003
Previous Article:Behind the bias: instead of investigating and exposing the actions of the power elite, the major media are complicit in that elite's drive for total...
Next Article:The dogs that don't bark: a watchdog will not bark at a burglar if it recognizes him as a friend. The mainstream media's failure to "bark" at...

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