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Man admits conspiring to murder Hutch associate.


A MAN yesterday pleaded guilty to conspiring to murder Hutch associate Gary Hanley.

Alan Wilson, from New Street Gardens, Dublin, appeared at the nonjury Special Criminal Court.

The 39-year-old admitted to conspiring to murder Hanley between September 15 and November 6, 2017.

Mr Justice Tony Hunt, sitting with Judge Martin Nolan and Judge Patricia Ryan, remanded him in custody until July 15 when he will be sentenced alongside co-accused Joseph Kelly.

Kelly, 35, of Kilworth Road, Drimnagh, admitted on Monday to conspiring to murder Hanley on the same occasion.

He also pleaded guilty to possessing a 9mm Beretta semi-auto-TARGET matic pistol with intent to endanger life at Philipsburgh Avenue, Dublin, on November 6, 2017.

Luke Wilson, 23, a nephew of Alan Wilson, from Cremona Road, Ballyfermot, was sentenced to 11 years in jail last year.

He pleaded guilty to unlawful possession of a Beretta handgun with intent to endanger life at Philipsburgh Avenue, Dublin, on the same date.

Wilson also received a six-year concurrent sentence after he admitted to conspiring to murder Hanley.

Liam Brannigan, 37, from Bride Street, Dublin, is also accused of conspiring to murder Hanley on the same occasion.

A trial date has been set in his case for October 7.


TARGET Gary Hanley

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Publication:The Mirror (London, England)
Geographic Code:4EUIR
Date:May 31, 2019
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