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Man admits BMW theft; Solihull News KENILWORTH: Stolen car parts sold on internet.

Byline: By Paul Beard

A KENILWORTH man who had denied dismantling stolen BMWs and selling the parts over the internet has finally admitted his guilt.

David Campbell (41) of Red Lane, had pleaded not guilty at Warwick Crown Court in October last year to conspiring to handle stolen property.

His solicitor Cornelius McCarthy told the court: "He denies totally that he conspired with anyone and says there is no evidence that he did conspire with anyone."

But just two days before he was due to stand trial at the court Campbell's barrister Peter Doyle asked for the conspiracy charge to be put again - and he pleaded guilty.

Between March 2003 and February last year Campbell had received a number of BMWs and car parts, knowing they had been stolen, at a farm near Hurley in north Warwickshire. The stolen BMWs and parts were taken to a unit Campbell owned at the farm.

Knowing the vehicles had been stolen, Campbell stripped them down and sold the parts on the internet, mainly through the e-bay auction site.

But it was said Campbell's case was that he was operating a legitimate business, and that the police had no information about who was allegedly stealing the vehicles.

Asking for the case to be adjourned for a pre-sentence report, Mr Doyle said: "He is highly realistic as to his position. He accepts a prison sentence is almost inevitable."

Judge Patrick Eccles QC agreed to adjourn for the report to be prepared.
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Publication:Birmingham Mail (England)
Date:Apr 26, 2007
Previous Article:Warning over illegal car parking; Worcestershire News REDDITCH.
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