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MP shock as rape 'jokes' defended; E&S BRIEFING.

Midland Labour MP Jess Phillips says she feels "sick" after watching an interview with Carl Benjamin, the UKIP MEP candidate who joked online about raping her.

Mr Benjamin, who is standing for for the party in South West England, appeared on the BBC's Victoria Derbyshire programme to defend his jokes, accusing the BBC of "killing off" comedy. He also said he had spoken to rape survivors who had applauded his comments. In response, Ms Phillips, the Birmingham Yardley MP, tweeted: "I feel sick watching Carl Benjamin chuckling along to people joining in with the language he has given them about putting a bag on my head and raping me."

Jess Phillips Earlier this month, West Midlands Police said officers were investigating one of Mr Benjamin's videos to see if an offence had taken place.

Mr Benjamin posts videos and tweets on the internet under the pseudonym Sargon of Akkad.

In a recent video, he suggested he "might" rape Ms Phillips. The video referred to a 2016 tweet in which Mr Benjamin said he "wouldn't even rape" the Labour MP. "With enough pressure I might cave," he said last month. Ms Phillips has spoken out about the jokes, and said she broke down in tears when she first heard about them.

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Publication:Express and Star (Wolverhampton, England)
Date:May 17, 2019
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