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Libyan Gordanian statement.

Summary: After the visit of the Goranian prime minister and accompanying delegation to Libya, it was pointed that H. E. the prime minister and accompanying delegation visited Libya on 7th and 8th February 2012.

After the visit of the Goranian prime minister and accompanying delegation to Libya, it was pointed that H. E. the prime minister and accompanying delegation visited Libya on 7th and 8th February 2012.

H. E. the Gordanian prime minister, Own Alkhasawna, discussed with H. E. NTC president, Mustafa Abdel Galil and H. E. the president of the Libyan transitional government, Dr Abdel Rahim Elkep, important issues for development and strengthening the brotherly cooperation. the Libyan side expressed their pleasure and valued the role of Gordon.

The Gordanian prime minister expressed his thanks for the good reception and hospitality and ascertained development of relations between the two brotherly countries. An understanding memo was signed in health field and cooperation in different fields will be developed for the mutual benefit of the two brotherly countries.

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Publication:UMCI News (Potomac Falls, VA)
Geographic Code:6LIBY
Date:Feb 13, 2012
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