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Kyrgyzstan ranks third in number of labor migrants in Russia: Statistics.

The border service of the Federal Security Bureau of Russia has published statistics on the number of foreign citizens arriving in Russia.

429,143 people headed from Kyrgyzstan to Russia in 6 months of 2019, including 265,149 people are labor migrants, the rest arrived in Russia for study, tourism, business travel, travel in transit. In addition, 6 people from Kyrgyzstan moved to Russia for permanent residency in the first half of the year.

The large majority of foreign citizens who came to work in Russia are from the CIS countries, in particular 918,000 Uzbekistan citizens came to Russia to work, Tajikistan is on the second place with 523,900 citizens, followed by Kyrgyzstan - 265,000, Ukraine - 164,6000 and Kazakhstan - 105,300 people.

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Publication:AKIpress Central Asian News Service
Geographic Code:4EXRU
Date:Aug 17, 2019
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