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Kiddylicious claims babyfood first with Houmous Dip-Dip.

Kiddylicious has unveiled a range of dipping snacks called Houmous Dip-Dip - in what it claims is a first for the UK's babyfood category.

Designed to encourage self-feeding, original and Roasted Red Pepper (rsp: PS1.30/52g-55.5g), comprise a "super smooth" chickpea dip and "chunky little" breadsticks.

Houmous Dip-Dip is suitable for children aged 12 months and above. Each pack provides no more than 100 calories (188kcals per 100g), while satfat is 1.4g per 100g.

The duo would tap "the UK's continuing love affair with houmous" said Kiddylicious.

The NPD will roll out from this month to October across Asda, Boots, Morrisons, Sainsbury's and Ocado.

"Toddler tummies are too small to obtain all their energy needs from just three meals a day, which is why it's important to supplement meal times with refuelling, nutritious snacks," said Kiddylicious MD Twan Thorn.

The introduction of Houmous Dip-Dip would "elevate growth within the snacking category and solidify Kiddylicious as the go-to snacking brand for babies and toddlers" he added.


Two variants are designed to encourage self-feeding

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Geographic Code:4EUUK
Date:Aug 31, 2019
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