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Kat and the cradle; While visiting Jean in hospital, Kat goes into labour and gives birth to two little boys; We love SOAPS.

Byline: Tess Lamacraft


Mon, Tue, Thur, Fri BBC1

We know it can only be nine months, unless she's some kind of leopard print-loving alien, but Kat's pregnancy seems to have been going on forever.

As her due date looms, Alfie is getting increasingly nervy and he has more on his plate when Jean unexpectedly shows up on his doorstep with Stacey's daughter, Lily.

Kat and Alfie are immediately worried when jittery Jean announces she's left her allotment-loving boyfriend Ollie and is here to get Stacey out of prison.

She's certainly on a mission and wastes no time in visiting Stacey to tell her she's come up with the perfect solution to secure her an early release. However, Jean's spirits plummet when Stacey refuses to go along with her mum's plans.

In a terrible state, she opens up to Kat about how she's struggling to cope with Stacey being behind bars and how she feels she's failed as a parent, but there's fresh panic when she gets so stressed out that she later collapses.

Luckily, Kat and Alfie are on hand to whisk her to hospital and even Stacey's allowed to visit, albeit chained to her prison guard. However, it's not Jean who needs urgent attention but Kat. Her waters break while at the hospital and she starts going into labour. How handy then, that she's just a short shuffle away from the maternity ward.

After much huffing and puffing, Kat and Alfie are delighted with the arrival of twin boys. We only hope their dad has chosen some suitably crazy-patterned babygros to complement his shirts!

ON THE WAY: She feels a contraction


LABOUR DAY: Anxious Alfie holds Kat's hand

REFUSAL: Stacey shuns her mum's plan

IN THE RIGHT PLACE: Kat's waters break while she's at the hospital

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Title Annotation:Features
Publication:The Mirror (London, England)
Date:Aug 2, 2014
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