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Browse Kageyama, Yuri

1-12 out of 12 article(s)
Title Type Date Words
Godzilla welcomed in Tokyo -- to lure visitors, not to scare. Apr 10, 2015 364
Prince William evokes memories of Diana on Japan tsunami trip. Mar 1, 2015 312
Toyota raises earnings forecast. Feb 5, 2015 288
Toyota remains top in global sales. Jan 22, 2015 478
'Unbroken' hits a nerve in Japan. Dec 13, 2014 290
Sony wooing Japanese to PS4; New console a bit slow catching on. Sep 2, 2014 432
Original Godzilla stomps back in ultra HD, with wires intact. Aug 29, 2014 577
Visits to shrine upset some. Aug 16, 2014 438
'Cell 'er up!'; Toyota gambles on hydrogen-fueled vehicle. Jul 18, 2014 1038
Nuclear workers on move in Japan. Jul 11, 2014 396
Loyal to zip-up Godzilla, Japan wary of new US remake. May 15, 2014 600
Star says new 'Unforgiven' honors great filmmaking. Sep 5, 2013 471

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