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Browse Kafrissen, Rokhl

1-55 out of 55 article(s)
Title Type Date Words
Plague Weddings. Mar 13, 2020 228
An American Tale. Feb 26, 2020 236
World of Our Fathers. Jan 17, 2020 278
Tales of Hoffman. Jan 9, 2020 276
Yiddish Kidlit. Dec 4, 2019 370
Buried Treasure. Nov 20, 2019 329
Bolsheviks and Bundists. Nov 8, 2019 198
Yiddish: Not Just for Jews. Oct 23, 2019 176
The Magic of an 'Etrog'. Oct 11, 2019 208
Paul Robeson Goes to Summer Camp. Sep 25, 2019 282
An Illuminating Obituary for a Yiddish Giant. Obituary Sep 11, 2019 217
The 'Mother' of Yiddish Literature. Aug 28, 2019 212
Night of the Murdered Poets. Aug 14, 2019 245
Portrait of the Yiddish Artist. Jul 24, 2019 231
The Psychology Behind Yiddish Literature. Jul 10, 2019 289
Queer Yiddishkeit. Jun 19, 2019 144
Summertime and the Yiddish Is Easy. Jun 5, 2019 110
The Gems of Yiddish Cinema. May 22, 2019 193
Rescuing Yiddish History. May 8, 2019 169
The Joys of Yiddish Poetry. Apr 24, 2019 346
A Partisan's Passover. Apr 10, 2019 234
Women Take Center Stage. Mar 27, 2019 157
Esther in Furs. Mar 13, 2019 211
The Immigration Debate-in Cartoons. Feb 27, 2019 358
Bringing Yiddish to the Negev. Jan 30, 2019 207
Milk Can Memories. Jan 18, 2019 216
Rokhl's Golden City: A Khanike Sucker, A Rigged Dreydl, and the First Jew in Space. Nov 28, 2018 117
The Re-Incarnation of a Frog. Nov 14, 2018 101
Rokhl's Golden City: Linda Richman Is 'Verklempt'. Oct 3, 2018 242
Rokhl's Golden City: No, Thank You, 'Whore From Ohio'. Aug 8, 2018 125
Rokhl's Golden City: Hey Kids, It's Yidstock! Jul 25, 2018 195
Rokhl's Golden City: Summer Heat, Guitar Gods, and RotFront. Jul 11, 2018 118
Tevye Served Raw, Perchik Served Hot. Jun 20, 2018 244
Rokhl's Golden City: Bury Me Behind the Fence! May 24, 2018 243
Rokhl's Golden City: Bury Me Behind the Fence! May 24, 2018 243
Rokhl's Golden City: A Yiddish King Lear for the Ages, on an Empty Stomach. May 2, 2018 235
Rokhl's Golden City: Third Seders and Ghetto Nights. Apr 11, 2018 287
Rokhl's Golden City: Jews in Space. Mar 21, 2018 330
Rokhl's Golden City: A Yiddish Purim Shpil in Tel Aviv. Feb 28, 2018 140
Rokhl's Golden City: Shalokhmones For Hitler and Dueling King Lears. Jan 24, 2018 161
Rokhl's Golden City: No Yortsayts, Please. We're Yiddish. Jan 10, 2018 246
Rokhl's Golden City: Khanike Gift List for the Yiddishist In Your Life. Dec 13, 2017 224
Rokhl's Golden City: Why Yiddish Culture, Alive and Well, Needs Financial Support, not Saving. Nov 22, 2017 200
Rokhl's Golden City: How To Say 'Halloween' in Yiddish. Oct 31, 2017 229
Rokhl's Golden City: Can Officially-Sanctioned Soviet Yiddish Culture be Cool? Oct 25, 2017 106
Rokhl's Golden City: Caught with my Khalemoyed in my Hand. Oct 11, 2017 156
Rokhl's Golden City: Jerry Lewis Did Yizkor in Clown-Face on Yom Kippur. Sep 27, 2017 163
Rokhl's Golden City: Summer in the Golden City: Get Out While You Still Can. Aug 2, 2017 163
Rokhl's Golden City: Yiddish Film 'Menashe' and the Ethnographic Impulse. Jul 26, 2017 169
Rokhl's Golden City: The Fragile Continuity of Yiddish Culture. Jul 12, 2017 147
Rokhl's Golden City: What Decomposing Unearthed Silent-Film Stock Has to Say to Yiddishists. Jun 28, 2017 135
Rokhl's Golden City: Bringing Yiddish Children to Life, While 1970s New York Drops Dead. Jun 21, 2017 196
Rokhl's Golden City: Barney Miller and 'God of Vengeance'. Jun 14, 2017 137
Rokhl's Golden City: 'Yentl' and 'Painted Bird' Edition. Jun 7, 2017 151
Rokhl's Golden City: Tablet's New Column Brings Diaspora Culture with a Yiddish Twist. Column May 24, 2017 306

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