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Browse Kaelble, Steve

1-6 out of 6 article(s)
Title Type Date Words
Green building: it's a way of life: television's Steve Thomas on home projects that are good for the earth and the family. Jul 1, 2009 1048
Cheers to health! In moderation, a little red wine can reap significant health benefits. May 1, 2009 1124
You decide! Rightsize your car: even with falling gas prices, you can save big money while sacrificing little. Jan 1, 2009 1485
Don't let old man winter empty your wallet: with energy costs going through the roof, be sure your heated air is not. Nov 1, 2008 1405
In the swim: through structured and coached pool workouts, United States Masters Swimming helps adults of all ages improve their fitness and make new friends. May 1, 2005 2142
Worshiping by laptop: making new spiritual connections, wirelessly. Mar 1, 2005 475

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