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Browse Kabukuru, Wanjohi

1-42 out of 42 article(s)
Title Type Date Words
Tea--brewing up a bitter cup. Dec 1, 2014 953
Trouble in paradise. Aug 1, 2014 1450
Kenya looks inwards to battle tourism crisis. Jul 1, 2014 1019
Running out of puff? Jun 1, 2014 1341
Rows cast gloom over $15bn East African railway project. Apr 1, 2014 1672
A pricey cuppa tea: Kenya, Malawi and Rwanda, some of the world's biggest producers of tea, have joined three other producing nations to form a 'tea cartel' that aims to eventually set the international prices of the beverage and control other factors of production. Will the cartel work this time around, having failed to do so on previous occasions? Feb 1, 2014 908
EAC 'cheetahs, ignore 'tortoise' Tanzania and Burundi. Feb 1, 2014 1511
Mall mania unfazed by terror strike: when terrorists hit Kenya's trendy Westgate Shopping Mall in the upmarket suburb of Nairobi's Westlands area in September, it was widely expected that investors would lose their appetite for building suburban malls. Instead, reports Wanjohi Kabukuru, the opposite has happened. Feb 1, 2014 1031
Miracle in Eden. Jan 1, 2014 2168
Uhuru Kenyatta--born into leaderdship. Dec 1, 2013 1553
Backbone of the economy. Statistical data Dec 1, 2013 826
Fallout from the Westgate horror: the ramifications of the horrific, four-day terrorist siege at the Westgate shopping mall, which gripped news audiences around the world, continue to reverberate to this day. While President Kenyatta's conduct has been universally praised, uncomfortable questions are being raised. Nov 1, 2013 2449
No longer vague, it is The Hague: with the country battling economic storms, many Kenyans are angry at the International Criminal Court's new schedule which requires the President, Uhuru Kenyatta, his deputy, William Ruto, and a journalist, Joshua Sang, to be away from the country for an extended period while they face charges of crimes against humanity at The Hague in Holland. Oct 1, 2013 1369
Africa's food champion. Aug 1, 2013 1419
Uhuru's great expectations: president Uhuru Kenyatta's newly announced cabinet promises a bouquet of skills, with its 18-strong membership's wide and varied experience in the worlds of business, banking, diplomacy and academia taking priority over that of career politicians. For the first time, two powerful portfolios go to women. Wanjohi Kabukuru reports from Nairobi. Jun 1, 2013 1490
Addis plays the long game: over the last five years, Ethiopia's diplomatic engagement with its East African neighbours appears to have taken on a new urgency with wide-ranging agreements on transport corridors and energy sharing. But, as Wanjohi Kabukuru reports, this is just one plank of Ethiopia's carefully worked-out master plan to sustain its double-digit growth. Jun 1, 2013 1205
Kenya Inc opens for business: the inauguration of Uhuru Kenyatta as the country's new leader was also an opportunity to display the direction the country has set for itself over the medium term. The emphasis was on business, regional economic integration and a revival of the pan-African dream. Wanjohi Kabukuru looks back on a historic milestone. May 1, 2013 2014
A triumph for the nation: the doom sayers who predicted that last month's (March) general and presidential elections would end in disaster have been proved wrong. The country's citizens, who turned out in record numbers to vote, and the business community, which had been holding its breath, heaved a sigh of relief when the polls went without a hitch. Wanjohi Kabukuru reflects on the mood post the elections. Apr 1, 2013 2008
Industrialisation is the future: Kenya goes to the polls this month to elect a new administration and a new President. If the elections are peaceful, the country will seriously embark on a far-reaching industrialisation programme that should see the economy of the sub-region transformed by 2030. Does it have the human capacity to do so? Wanjohi Kabukuru looks at the evidence. Mar 1, 2013 1241
East Africa sets tough new regulations. Legislation Feb 1, 2013 694
The all-change elections: Kenya's general and presidential elections next month, (March) will usher in a brand new administrative system that is likely to have major repercussions not only in the country itself but throughout the East African region. Wanjohi Kabukuru reports from Nairobi. Feb 1, 2013 1235
Kenya's 50 dramatic years. Jan 1, 2013 1617
Battle lines drawn over Lake Turkana. Report Dec 1, 2012 1995
FastJet sends feathers flying: the entry of FastJet, the African version of Europe's EasyJet, into the East Africa aviation space is causing quite a stir. The new airline has promised fares that could be cheaper than those for buses on similar routes, let alone fares charged by other airlines. Expect a ding-dong battle for customers, writes our Kenya correspondent, Wanjohi Kabukuru. Dec 1, 2012 1230
Head in the clouds? There has been considerable excitement in Kenya's aviation industry with the national carrier, Kenya Airways announcing a bold new strategy but being ken to task by unions over retrenchment and a rapid growth in the number of business-oriented aircraft. Wanjohi Kabukuru reports from Nairobi. Nov 1, 2012 1422
Nairobi breaks traffic shackles. Oct 1, 2012 1269
Excessive red tape compounds economic malaise: Kenya's growth slowed down in 2011, largely as a result of high import costs and bad weather, but it has also emerged that the country's ministries failed to utilise their budgetary allocations, thus accentuating rising prices and adding to low productivity. Wanjohi Kabukuru reports from Nairobi. Statistical data Aug 1, 2012 1312
Kenya property values among the best in the world. Jun 1, 2012 1413
Oil strike sets off prospecting stampede. May 1, 2012 1385
After stormy year, fair winds ahead: 2011 was a difficult year for Kenya's economy, with high inflation and interest rates and a decline in growth from the previous three years. But the outlook for 2012, is bright, writes Wanjohi Kabukuru, despite the nervousness about the elections due for later this year. Apr 1, 2012 1266
Kenya goes clean and green. Mar 1, 2012 787
Mombasa log jam causes regional anger. Mar 1, 2012 1413
Pipeline deal rescues Lapsset: Kenya's massive infrastructure project, Lapsset, appeared to be running out of steam due to indifference from investors, until a surprise deal with South Sudan came to the rescue. Africa's newest state has agreed to foot the bill for a pipeline to the northern coast of Kenya. Wanjohi Kabukuru has the details. Mar 1, 2012 998
Lamu - back to the future: Lamu, on Kenya's northern coastline, is now a tourist idyll and a UNESCO world heritage site, but five centuries ago, it was a crucial international commercial hub before it gradually lost its status. All this could be about to change as the island shakes off the dust of history and prepares to resume its old role once again. Wanjohi Kabukuru reports from Lamu island. Feb 1, 2012 1340
Private equity comes out of the closet: private equity is becoming an increasingly important source of finance in East Africa. Wanjohi Kabukuru reports on some important private equity deals struck over the last few years in Kenya. Jan 1, 2012 647
Price wars in silicon savanna country: amid a frenetic environment of mobile-phone price wars and a spate of musical chairs among its top telecoms CEOs, Kenya has emerged as the East African leader in ICT innovation, bidding to emulate the US with its new Silicon Savanna in Konza. There is never a dull moment in the East African region's telecommunications sector. Nov 1, 2011 1104
Brain fed, not rain fed: agribusiness has now become the fashionable trend for the country's youth. A number of initiatives to encourage greater output and increasing financial support from the public and private sectors has led to a boom in agribusiness. Report by Wanjohi Kabukuru. Aug 1, 2011 892
African agribusiness most profitable in the world: African agribusiness is now probably the most profitable in the world for foreign companies, but the lack of local value addition means the continent is still losing out. Report by Wanjohi Kabukuru. Aug 1, 2011 655
Battle to control the Indian Ocean's 'Blue Gold'. Aug 1, 2011 1299
Kenya's superhighway to quality homes: the construction of the Nairobi-Thika superhighway in Kenya, orginally designed to ease traffic pressure, has led to an explosion of high-quality housing estates along the route. Wanjohi Kabukuru reporting from Nairobi, has the details. Jul 1, 2011 1419
An east Africa shilling by next year? The five-nation east African community, which could soon be bolstered by the inclusion of south Sudan and Congo, is potentially the wealthiest region grouping in Africa. It has set its sights on a single currency by next year. Is this achievable? Wanjohi Kabukuru reflects from Nairobi. Jun 1, 2011 1036
Lamu port project angers locals. May 1, 2011 1248

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