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Browse Kabay, M.E.

1-22 out of 22 article(s)
Title Type Date Words
Windows 7 troubles and business continuity. Jan 19, 2010 830
Flaws in 'Internet SAFETY' bill; * Unexpected consequences of required dynamic address allocation logging. Apr 23, 2009 800
Brennan Center provides resources for security activists; * Resources at NYU's Brennan Center for Justice. Column May 24, 2007 575
The persistence of memory: free speech and career prospects; * The Internet never forgets. Column Apr 19, 2007 457
Proposed rulemaking against identity theft; * Federal agencies propose rules for fighting identity theft. Brief article Mar 20, 2007 312
Transgressing the unwritten law; * Why you might want to let people know about your rules ahead of time. Mar 1, 2007 706
EDPACS archive a treasure trove; * Check out EDPACS archive before the end of February. Feb 20, 2007 561
E-mail retention policies, Part 1; * Why e-mail retention is not just a good idea. Column Feb 6, 2007 427
The Net 2.0: Identity theft in Istanbul; * Movie: The Net 2.0. Jan 30, 2007 810
ALEatory ALE; * Annualized loss expectancy explained. Column Dec 21, 2006 706
Cybersecurity management, Part 4; * Book focuses on business case for security. Dec 19, 2006 516
Cybersecurity management, Part 3; * Book tackles cost-benefit analysis of security. Dec 14, 2006 466
Software, music and movie pirates keelhauled; * Intellectual-property pirates punished. Nov 30, 2006 557
Crime and punishment; * Cybercrime resources online. Nov 28, 2006 552
OCEG Red Book on risk management; * Online resource from OCEG. Column Nov 9, 2006 421
Michigan CISO speaks online; * Michigan CISO Dan Lohrmann. Oct 12, 2006 459
Beware of vicious 'vishing' villains; * 'Vishing' is the new phishing. Brief article Sep 19, 2006 288
NIST guide to IDP systems; * NIST's 'Guide to Intrusion Detection and Prevention (IDP) Systems'. Brief article Sep 14, 2006 388
Two cybercrime textbooks; * Books give in-depth look into cybercrime. Aug 31, 2006 483
The thin edge; * How restrictions could change the way we look at business travel. Aug 29, 2006 521
Penetration cases show need for response plans; * Many examples of hacker penetrations in 2005. Jan 26, 2006 492
Nuclear security internship at PNNL; * Internship program is stepping-stone to career in nuclear security. Brief article Sep 20, 2005 336

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