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Browse Kaba, Amadu Jacky

1-7 out of 7 article(s)
Title Type Date Words
Educational attainment, population increase and the progress of African Americans. Jun 15, 2010 8689
Demographics and profile: the most cited Black scholars in the Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities. Sep 15, 2009 5639
Demographics and profile: the most cited Black scholars in the Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities. Sep 15, 2009 12185
Africa's development in the era of Barack Obama: the Role of the African Union. Report Mar 15, 2009 6320
Barack Obama's dual triple heritage. Report Jun 1, 2008 3694
The two West Africas: the two historical phases of the West African brain drain. Jun 1, 2007 5621
Kenya-U.S. relations: the urgent need to manage Kenya's migrant and HIV-AIDS brain drain. Dec 1, 2006 3043

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