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Jumblatt: Lebanon needs to revert to 'core of the Arab world Syria'.

Byline: Maher Zeineddine

Summary: Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblatt stressed on Sunday during a reconciliatory gathering with the Syrian Socialist National Party (SSNP) the need to revert to Syria's Arabism.AaJumblatt's meeting with the SSNP at the Aley mountainous village of Sawfar village was part of the PSP leader's efforts to bridge the gap with rival political groups.

SOFAR: Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblatt stressed on Sunday during a reconciliatory gathering with the Syrian Socialist National Party (SSNP) the need to revert to Syria's Arabism.AaJumblatt's meeting with the SSNP at the Aley mountainous village of Sawfar village was part of the PSP leader's efforts to bridge the gap with rival political groups and abolish sectarian tensions that arose following the May 7, 2008, incidents which drove the country to the brink of civil strife.Aa

Bloody clashes between pro-government and opposition supporters broke out on May 7, 2008 after the cabinet's decision to dismantle Hizbullah's telecommunication network.Aa

The clashes took place in Beirut's pre-dominantly Sunni-populated area between supporters of the Future Movement on one side and Hizbullah, Amal Movement and SSNP supporters on the other hand as they later spread to the Chouf mountainous area, a Druze stronghold.Aa

Jumblatt had earlier held reconciliatory meeting with Hizbullah's Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah mediated by Lebanese Democratic Party head MP Talal Arslan and Tawhid Movement head Wi'am Wahhab, both Druze politicians allied with the opposition.Aa

During his meeting with SSNP head Assad Hardane, Jumblatt underscored the past history that tied both parties in their resistance against Israel as he urged the Lebanese to revert to the "core of the Arab world Syria."Aa

The SSNP-PSP reconciliation was attended by Jumblatt's son, Timur.Aa

"I am not making this statement to please the Syrians after Syria's withdrawal from Lebanon but based on deep political convictions," Jumblatt said.Aa

Syria withdrew its troops from Lebanon in 2005 following the assassination of former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri. Jumblatt has accused Syria of plotting the assassination.Aa

Jumblatt also stressed the importance of abiding by the truce agreement with Israel and the rejection of normalization of ties as stated in the Taif Accord.Aa

"The most important clause of the Taif Accord is that we agreed to a truce with Israel meaning a frozen war," Jumblatt said, adding that "only [someone who is] delusional or a conspirer would believe in reaching a settlement with Israel."Aa

Jumblatt added that his party, side by side with the SSNP, managed to abolish all attempts to tie Lebanon to the Israeli-Western axis. For his part, Hardane underlined the importance of preserving Mount Lebanon unity as the corner stone of the country's unity.Aa

"The SSNP would pursue its struggle to establish a united nonsectarian state based on the national principles supported by President Michel Sleiman," Hardane said.

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Publication:The Daily Star (Beirut, Lebanon)
Date:Oct 26, 2009
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