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Browse Jack P Harland

1-5 out of 5 article(s)
Title Type Date Words
A GRAND WALK; Jack P Harland discovered a sunny-day trek through Glen Ey, among the dry moss, blaeberries and tiny Alpine plants, can make you want to sing with the curlews. Mar 14, 2020 739
WHERE THE STAGS ROAR; He may have got a little damp on the way, but Jack P Harland met plenty of wildlife as he climbed to the summit cairn at the meeting place of three counties. Feb 22, 2020 676
SEEING FOR MILES; Jack P Harland walks one of his favourite Highland viewpoints nestled in the heart of the Cairngorms, Carn a' Mhaim. Feb 1, 2020 629
STEPS OF DROVERS; Jack P Harland finds peace and beauty in Glen Esk, taking a path to Mount Keen, from where a stunning panorama can be absorbed. Dec 14, 2019 730
THE FAIR MAIDENS; Jack P Harland explores the snowy slopes, ridges and peaks on the route to Am Bodach. Oct 19, 2019 800

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