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1-13 out of 13 article(s)
Title Type Date Words
Electric charging zone at garage approved. Aug 8, 2023 344
Pool hours 'not good enough'. Aug 3, 2023 635
Labour councillor Iain thrilled to be re-elected. Jun 17, 2023 383
C YCLE LANES WILL PUT OUR SHOPS IN A DEATH SPIN; HOLD THE 'FLOATING' BUS STOPS CALL Traders tell council to put brakes on Causeyside Street plan. Mar 31, 2023 165
List will be warmly welcomed. Nov 2, 2022 363
Housing plans approved for Renfrewshire. Oct 27, 2022 365
Provost blasts winter crisis facing the most vulnerable as 'horrific' Politician outraged that folk can't afford to heat homes. Oct 7, 2022 615
Asset transfer policy set to be reviewed. Sep 28, 2022 385
Council leader warns of 'difficult choices' over PS35m cash black hole; Grim financial picture laid bare in director's report. Sep 23, 2022 490
Confusion over face-to-face crisis services for residents; Appointments are'needed,'but ad hoc help is said to be available. Jun 23, 2022 495
Calls made for rethink of religious reps on board of education. May 16, 2022 588
No change at the top as Nicolson looks set to continue as leader; Re-elected as councillor and head of the SNP group. May 12, 2022 469
Music venue shut by cops gets licence; Six-week go-ahead for entertainment. Nov 1, 2019 312

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