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Israel may seek relaunch of Lebanon armistice panel.

Byline: AFP

JERUSALEM: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is mulling seeking the re-activation of an armistice commission with Lebanon in order to talk to its northern neighour with which it remains technically at war, a report said on Wednesday.

Israelis have discussed the issue with officials from the European Union, the United Nations and the United States, the Haaretz daily said.

A foreign ministry spokesman declined to comment on the report. The armistice commission between Israel and Lebanon was set up in 1949 after the end of the first Arab-Israeli war following the creation of the Jewish state the previous year.

Comprised of two Israeli representatives and two Lebanese representatives and a UN official, it regularly convened at border crossings but was disbanded in 1967 on Israel s initiative, Haaretz said.

The report comes amid a diplomatic push by the United States for a "comprehensive" Middle East peace between Israel and all its Arab neighbours.

Muscat Press and Publishing House SAOC 2009

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Publication:Times of Oman (Muscat, Oman)
Article Type:Brief article
Date:Aug 2, 2009
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