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International Longshoremen's Association (ILA), AFL-CIO.

International Longshoremen's Association (ILA), AFL-CIO

5000 West Side Avenue, North Bergen, NJ 07047 201-662-1612 *

Harold Daggett, President

Dennis Daggett, Executive Vice President

Steven Knott, Secretary-Treasurer

Alan Robb, President, Atlantic Coast and Gulf Region

The ILA, AFL-CIO is the largest union of waterfront workers in North America, representing upwards of 65,000 longshoremen covering the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts, Great Lakes, major US rivers, Puerto Rico, and Eastern Canada. The ILA is staunchly patriotic, stating that its initials also stand for I Love America! It has maintained a no-strike pledge with our US military and has always made experienced longshore workers available to our Armed Forces, in peace and war, to speed the delivery of military cargo.

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Title Annotation:INDUSTRY MEMBERS--Sustaining
Publication:Defense Transportation Journal
Geographic Code:100NA
Date:Jun 1, 2019
Previous Article:International Association of Movers.
Next Article:Interstate Moving / Relocation / Logistics.

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