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In Memoriam: Yvonne Logan, 1919-2017.

Yvonne Logan, "dynamic and devoted past-president and patron of WILPF US," died on Saturday, June 24, in St. Louis, Missouri, at the age of 97.

In her message about Yvonne's death, WILPF US President Mary Hanson Harrison shared her own and others' impressions: "She was remarkable both as an activist and as a human being, who lived nearly a century. 'A woman of considerable stature,' as one member described her. Another wrote, encapsulating her essence, 'A good soul for sure.' The last quote came from Rodger Routh, WILPF DSM member and videographer, remembering her unfailing support and kindness when we interviewed her for the WILPF US legacy fundraising video a few years ago."

When she was a young mother herself, Yvonne worked on the Baby Tooth Survey for the St. Louis Committee for Nuclear Information. Mary Hanson Harrison reminded members that Yvonne Logan was especially proud of the success of the "baby tooth survey/campaign," which originated with two St. Louis physicians, who measured levels of the radioactive isotope Strontium 90 in young children's baby teeth. (WILPF played an important part in requesting and gathering samples for the survey.) The results led President John F. Kennedy "to negotiate a treaty with the Soviet Union to end above-ground testing of atomic bombs in 1963." (Read more about the 1959-1970 survey at articles/babytooth.html.)

Her obituary in the St. Louis Dispatch noted: "Yvonne joined the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom in 1956, and remained dedicated to the organization throughout her life, including a period as the president of its U.S. section. She helped to organize countless demonstrations and was arrested many times in the course of her career as an activist."

Donations in Yvonne's memory and as a tribute to her legacy may be made to WILPF US (send a check made out to PDF/WILPF, P.O. Box 13075, Des Moines, IA 50310, and note in the memo line "Yvonne Logan Legacy"); or to her favorite project, the Disarmament Fund (Yvonne Logan), at the Jane Addams Peace Association (www., in New York.

A longer tribute to Yvonne Logan will appear in the spring/ summer 2018 issue of Peace & Freedom.

Caption: Yvonne Logan (l.), talks with Leah Bolger at the WILPF US Congress in Detroit, 2014. Photo: Joan Bazar.

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Publication:Peace and Freedom
Article Type:In memoriam
Geographic Code:1USA
Date:Sep 22, 2017
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