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Browse Idoro, Godwin Iroroakpo

1-4 out of 4 article(s)
Title Type Date Words
Comparing the planning and performance of direct labour and design-bid-build construction projects in Nigeria/Planavimo ir veiklos efektyvumo palyginimas, Nigerijos statybu projektuose naudojant tiesiogini darba ir taikant tradicini pirkimu metoda. Report Apr 1, 2012 10703
Sustainability of mechanisation in the Nigerian construction industry/Mechanizacijos tvarumas nigerijos statybu sektoriuje. Report Feb 1, 2012 12060
Influence of quality performance on clients' patronage of indigenous and expatriate construction contractors in Nigeria/ Vieteniu ir emigravusiu nigerijos statybos rangovu darbo kokybes itaka klientams. Report Mar 1, 2010 6885
Health and safety management efforts as correlates of performance in the Nigerian construction industry/Sveikatos ir saugos darbe valdymo pastangos Nigerijos statybu pramoneje. Report Dec 1, 2008 7490

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