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Browse Ibrahim, Sabiha

1-114 out of 114 article(s)
Title Type Date Words
Anthropometric patterns and correlates of growth attainment in under-five Pakistani children. Report Jun 22, 1999 7494
Amiya Kumar Bagchi (ed). New Technology and the Workers' Response: Micro Electronics, Labour and Society. Brief article Jun 22, 1995 132
S. R. Maheshwari. Rural Development in India: A Public Policy Approach. Brief article Jun 22, 1995 116
Kanti P. Bajpai and Harish C. Shukul (eds). Interpreting World Politics. Brief article Jun 22, 1995 132
J. S. Grewal and Hugh Johnston (eds). The India-Canada Relationship: Exploring the Political, Economic, and Cultural Dimensions. Brief article Jun 22, 1995 126
V. M. Dandekar. The Indian Economy 1947-92: Volume I: Agriculture. Brief article Jun 22, 1995 196
Pravin Visaria and Rakesh Basant (eds). Non-agricultural Employment in India: Trends and Prospects. Brief article Jun 22, 1995 171
V. P. Panehamukhi, R. G. Nambiar, Rajesh Mehta, G. A. Tadas, and S. K. Mohanty, Complementarity in Trade and Production: Intra-South Potentials. Brief article Jun 22, 1995 170
Indira Hirway and Piet Terhal. Towards Employment Guarantee in India: Indian and International Experiences in Rural Public Works Programme. Brief article Jun 22, 1995 130
Sandhya Venkateswaran. Environment, Development and the Gender Gap. Brief article Jun 22, 1995 135
Upendra Baxi and Bhikhu Parekh (eds). Crisis and Change in Contemporary India. Brief article Jun 22, 1995 160
Vinay Bahl. The Making of the Indian Class: A Case-study of the Tata Iron and Steel Company, 1880-1946. Book review Jun 22, 1995 138
Raja Gopal. Organising Rural Business: Policy, Planning, and Management. Brief article Jun 22, 1995 150
Guenther Fichtner and Ismail Salleh (eds). Promotion of SMEs: Policy Environment and Institutional Framework. Brief article Mar 22, 1995 191
Ludgera Klemp. Women Shaping Democratic Change: Documentation of a Workshop in the Friedrich Ebert Foundation, Bonn, 21-22 October 1992. Brief article Mar 22, 1995 161
Qutubuddin Aziz (ed). Population Planning and Labour Welfare. Brief article Mar 22, 1995 149
Friedrich Ebert Stiftung. Small and Micro Enterprises Promotion in Pakistan: Macro Economic Policy Frameworks and Implementation Issues: Outcomes of Three Workshops Organised in 1992. Brief article Mar 22, 1995 209
Muhammad Ali Chaudhary, Pervez Azim, and Abid Aman Burki. Skill Generation and Entrepreneurship Development under "Ostad-Shagird" System in Pakistan. Brief article Mar 22, 1995 296
Dieter Nohlen. Elections and Electoral Systems. Brief article Mar 22, 1995 166
Ashfaque H. Khan and Mir Annice Mahmood. Complementarities, Comparative Advantages, and Benefits and Costs of Regional Cooperation in Land Transport and Communication. Brief article Mar 22, 1995 285
Sabur Ghayur and Zulekha Zar. Pakistan: Working Conditions in the Textile Sector: A Study of the Large-scale Textile Manufacturing Industries in the City of Karachi. Brief article Mar 22, 1995 299
WHO Study Group. Prevention of Diabetes Mellitus: Report of a WHO Study Group. Book review Mar 22, 1995 298
The appropriateness of a community-based programme: a case-study of the AKRSP in two villages of Gilgit district. Case study Dec 22, 1994 7547
B. A. Prakash (ed). Kerala's Economy: Performance, Problems, Prospects. Brief article Sep 22, 1994 148
Sumantra Bose. States, Nations, Sovereignty: Sri Lanka, India, and the Tamil Eelam Movement. Brief article Sep 22, 1994 139
S. V. Ramani Rao, Sharmila Ghosh, Geeta Joshi and Sudha Acharya. Women at Work in India, Vol. 2: An Annotated Bibliography. Brief article Sep 22, 1994 127
Staffan Jacobsson and Ghayur Alam. Liberalisation and Industrial Development in the Third World: A Comparison of the Indian and South Korean Engineering Industries. Brief article Sep 22, 1994 164
Ammu Joseph and Kalpana Sharma (eds). Whose News? The Media and Women's Issues. Brief article Sep 22, 1994 127
Akhileshwar Pathak. Contested Domains: The State, Peasants, and Forests in Contemporary India. Brief article Sep 22, 1994 119
International Labour Office. Visions of the Future of Social Justice: Essays on the Occasion of the ILO's 75th Anniversary. Brief article Sep 22, 1994 118
Rekha Kaul. Caste, Class, and Education: Politics of the Capitation Fee Phenomenon in Karnataka. Brief article Jun 22, 1993 256
James Manor. Power, Poverty, and Poison: Disaster and Response in an Indian City. Brief article Jun 22, 1993 215
Nirmal Sengupta. User-Friendly Irrigation Designs. Brief article Jun 22, 1993 130
Anju Vyas and Sunita Singh. Women's Studies in India: Information Sources, Services, and Programmes. Brief article Jun 22, 1993 115
C. T. Kurien. The Economy: An Interpretative Introduction. Brief article Jun 22, 1993 190
Dilesh Jayanntha. Electoral Allegiance in Sri Lanka. Brief article Jun 22, 1993 173
Kuttan Mahadevan and Parameswara Krishnan (eds). Methodology for Population Studies and Development. Brief article Jun 22, 1993 231
S. K. Chakraborty. Managerial Transformation by Values: A Corporate Pilgrimage. Brief article Jun 22, 1993 161
Timothy J. Serase. Image, Ideology, and Inequality: Cultural Domination, Hegemony, and Schooling in India. Brief article Jun 22, 1993 137
G. J. Gill. Seasonality and Agriculture in the Developing World: A Problem of the Poor and Powerless. Brief article Jun 22, 1993 378
WHO AIDS Series II. The Global AIDS Strategy. Brief article Jun 22, 1993 125
Hans Frey and Sabur Ghayur. Women and Development: Synthesis Report of an International Conference. Brief article Mar 22, 1993 206
Abid A. Burki and Sabur Ghayur. The Informal Sector of Pakistan: Problems and Policies: Synthesis Report of the National Workshop. Brief article Mar 22, 1993 229
Rama Murthy Kuppachi. Managing by Consultation: Global and Asian Experiences. Brief article Mar 22, 1993 161
J. C. Sandesara. Industrial Policy and Planning 1947-91: Tendencies, Interpretations and Issues. Brief article Mar 22, 1993 160
S. R. B. Leadbeater. The Politics of Textiles. The Indian Cotton-Mill Industry and the Legacy of Swadeshi, 1900-1985. Brief article Mar 22, 1993 136
Suraj B. Gupta. Black Income in India. Brief article Mar 22, 1993 153
K. Saradamoni (ed). Finding the Household. Conceptual and Methodological Issues. Brief article Mar 22, 1993 186
K. R. Vernugopal. Deliverance from Hunger: The Public Distribution System in India. Brief article Mar 22, 1993 119
T. M. Thomas Isaac, P. A. Van Stuijuenberg and K. N. Nair. Modernisation and Employment: The Coir Industry in Kerala. Brief article Mar 22, 1993 188
Sabur Ghayur. Pakistan: The Rural Barani Areas: Pattern of Employment and Socio-Economic Conditions. Brief article Mar 22, 1993 168
Sabur Ghayur, Hans Frey and Klaus Klennert. Action Plan for Employment and Manpower Development in Pakistan. Report of Five Provincial Workshops on the Implementation of the National Manpower Commission Report. Brief article Mar 22, 1993 170
Rizwanul Islam (ed). Transfer, Adoption, and Diffusion of Technology for Small and Cottage Industries. Brief article Mar 22, 1993 176
Geeti Sen (ed). Indigenous Vision-Peoples of India: Attitudes to the Environment. Book review Sep 22, 1992 127
P. N. Rastogi. Policy Analysis and Problems Solving for Social System: Toward Understanding, Monitoring and Managing Complex Real World Problems. Book review Sep 22, 1992 125
International Labour Bibliography No. 12. Poverty in Developing Countries: A Bibliography by the ILO's World Employment Programme, 1975-91. Brief article Sep 22, 1992 108
K. C. Alexander, K. P. Kumaran. Culture and Development Cultural Patterns in Areas of Uneven Development. Brief article Sep 22, 1992 182
Enakshi Ganguty Thukral (ed). Big Dams, Displaced People. Rivers of Sorrow Rivers of Change. Brief article Sep 22, 1992 178
Anthony J. Parel and Ronald C. Keith. Comparative Political Philosophy: Studies Under the Upas Tree. Brief article Sep 22, 1992 108
Ehtisham Ahmed and Nicholas Stern. The Theory and Practice of Tax Reform in Developing Countries. Brief article Sep 22, 1992 141
Arun Ghosh. Planning in India: The Challenge for the Nineties. Book review Sep 22, 1992 125
N. S. Jodha, M. Bankskota and Tej Partab. Sustainable Mountain Agriculture: Perspectives and Issues (Volume 1): and Farmers' Strategies and Innovative Approaches (Volume 2). Book review Sep 22, 1992 143
Kamal Siddiqui (ed). Local Government in South Asia: A Comparative Study. Brief article Jun 22, 1992 161
I. S. A. Band. Forms of Production and Women's Labour: Gender Aspects of Industrialisation in India and Mexico. Brief article Jun 22, 1992 247
Berch Berberoglu. Class, State, and Development in India. Book review Jun 22, 1992 119
Gamani Corea. Taming Commodity Markets: The Integrated Programme and Common Fund in UNCTAD. Brief article Jun 22, 1992 151
Sysana B. C. Devallen. Discourses of Ethnicity: Culture and Protest in Jharkhand. Book review Jun 22, 1992 135
Gilbert Etienne. Asian Crucible: The Steel Industry in China and India. Brief article Jun 22, 1992 169
Hans Linnemann (ed). South-South Trade Preferences: The GSTP and Trade in Manufactures. Brief article Jun 22, 1992 219
Subroto Roy and William E. James (eds). Foundations of India's Political Economy: Towards an Agenda for the 1990s. Book review Jun 22, 1992 138
Kripa Shanker. Product Diversification, Growth and Profitability in the Corporate Private Sector in India. Brief article Jun 22, 1992 164
CENDIT (Centre for Development of Instructional Technology). Indian Social and Economic Development 1990--An Index to the Literature. Book review Mar 22, 1991 122
D. E. Cooper Weil, A. P. Alicbusan, J. F. Wilson, M. R. Reich and D. J. Bradly. The Impact of Development Policies on Health--A Review of the Literature. Book review Mar 22, 1991 139
Kenneth N. Ross and Lars Mahick (eds). Planning the Quality of Education The Collection and Use of Data for Information Decision Making. Book review Mar 22, 1991 178
Hartmut Elsenhange. Development and Underdevelopment--The History, Economics, and Politics of North-South Relations. Brief article Mar 22, 1991 124
Nirmala Banerjee (ed). Women in a Changing Industrial Scenario. Brief article Mar 22, 1991 121
Sushil Srivastava. The Disputed Mosque--A Historical Inquiry. Brief article Mar 22, 1991 150
Tarlok Singh. Social Science Research and Problem of Poverty. Brief article Mar 22, 1991 112
International Labour Organization. Codes of Practice. A Structural Analysis. Brief article Sep 22, 1989 133
International Labour Organization. Monitoring Labour Markets. Brief article Sep 22, 1989 122
International Labour Organization. Managing Contract Migration: Philippine Experience Observed. Brief article Sep 22, 1989 115
Ponna Wignaraja and Akmal Hussain (eds.) The Challenge in South Asia: Development, Democracy and Regional Cooperation. Brief article Sep 22, 1989 123
Gerry Rodgers (ed.) Population Growth and Poverty in Rural South Asia. Brief article Sep 22, 1989 115
J. B. Celestin (ed.) Urban Informal Sector Information: Needs and Methods. Brief article Sep 22, 1989 111
Gerry Rodgers (ed.) Urban Poverty and the Labour Market: Access to Jobs and Incomes in Asian and Latin American Cities. Book review Sep 22, 1989 151
Trevor W. Parfitt and Stephen P. Riley. The African Debt Crisis. Brief article Sep 22, 1989 102
M. Mugtada (ed.) The Elusive Target: An Evaluation of Target-Group Approaches to Employment Creation in Rural Asia. Brief article Sep 22, 1989 132
Zafar Altaf. Entrepreneurship in the Third World. Brief article Sep 22, 1988 144
Anrudh K. Jain and Pravin Visaria (eds.). Infant Mortality in India: Differentials and Determinants. Brief article Sep 22, 1988 118
U. R. Panchamukhi, Rajesh Mehta and G. A. Tadas (eds.). Savings, Investment and Trade in the Third World: A Macro-economic Analysis. Brief article Sep 22, 1988 104
R. C. Mascarenhas. A Strategy for Rural Development: Dairy Cooperatives in India. Brief article Sep 22, 1988 124
John W. Mellor and Raisuddin Ahmed (eds.). Agricultural Price Policy for Developing Countries. Brief article Sep 22, 1988 141
B. M. Bhatia. Indian Agriculture: A Policy Perspective. Brief article Sep 22, 1988 133
OECD. Structural Adjustment and Economic Performance. Brief article Sep 22, 1988 123
M. V. Nadkarni. Farmers' Movements in India. Book review Jun 22, 1988 106
Noordin Sopiee, Chew Lay See and Lim Siang Jin (eds.). ASIAN at the Crossroads: Obstacles, Options and Opportunities in Economic Cooperation. Brief article Jun 22, 1988 172
S. Mukerji, S. Abraham and C. P. Prakasam. Student Research Abstracts in Population Studies. Book review Jun 22, 1988 126
Lim Chong Yah and Associates. Policy Options for the Singapore Economy. Book review Jun 22, 1988 110
B. D. Dhawan. Irrigation in India's Agricultural Development: Productivity, Stability, Equity. Brief article Jun 22, 1988 215
D. P. Bhatia. Inter-Class Distribution and Growth of Net National Product in a Developing Economy. Brief article Jun 22, 1987 192

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