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Browse Ian Quinn, chief reporter

1-27 out of 27 article(s)
Title Type Date Words
"It's far from certain ministers will follow Dimbleby into battle as he calls for changes". Mar 20, 2021 190
"How can DRS infrastructure be put in place while the pandemic continues?". Jan 30, 2021 186
"As well as testing, food workers deserve priority when it comes to vaccinations". Nov 28, 2020 182
"Tacon is bowing out as suppliers are about to face the 'bloody quarter'". Oct 24, 2020 183
"It was of little surprise to see Johnson's latest ruling causing confusion". Sep 26, 2020 184
"Let's hope ex-Tesco and Sainsbury's boss Dido Harding listens to her old industry". Sep 19, 2020 187
"Just how seriously are we supposed to take targets from an organisation due to be axed?". Sep 12, 2020 171
"The UK could learn something from Chile's mandatory health labelling approach". Aug 8, 2020 181
"Tesco is right to plan for a recession. But an EDLP approach is proving divisive". Jul 4, 2020 183
"The 2 Sisters incident shows just how dicult it is to prevent an outbreak". Jun 20, 2020 200
"The Environment Bill outweighs Brexit as a threat to the food and drink sector". Feb 8, 2020 186
"The Food Waste Roadmap should have shamed companies for lack of uptake". Jan 25, 2020 180
"Will Change 4 Life get a muchneeded reboot or be axed entirely?". Jan 11, 2020 193
"As supermarkets eliminate black plastic at a stroke on own label, what are brands doing?". Nov 16, 2019 182
"Henry Dimbleby's appointment ruffled feathers, but he seems a breath of fresh air". Nov 2, 2019 190
"Piecemeal news of progress on plastic reduction makes the industry an easy target". Jun 29, 2019 178
"Preach to parents about what their kids should eat and risk turning them oin droves". Jan 5, 2019 189
"The cost of the various measures on plastic promises to be huge". Nov 24, 2018 200
"Both NGOs and industry agree that the DH is showing a lack of leadership". Oct 27, 2018 184
"Does the CMA have the courage to take on Amazon? It's starting to look very doubtful". Oct 13, 2018 176
" Ministers must make sure their plastic strategy is joined up". Aug 25, 2018 190
"Retailers want a system that fairly redistributes tax across all sectors". Aug 18, 2018 187
"The Adjudicator was set up to protect consumers from harm, not suppliers". Jun 16, 2018 185
"Smaller suppliers can still thrive at Tesco if they get the product and strategies right". Jun 2, 2018 207
"Health experts took a 'glass half full' attitude to the failure to hit sugar targets". May 26, 2018 195
"Stockpiling plans have been compared to the Y2K panic". Mar 24, 2018 191
"Regardless of the outcome of the investigation, the Co-op's reputation is damaged". Mar 10, 2018 175

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