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Browse Ian Lewis reports

1-4 out of 4 article(s)
Title Type Date Words
The coracle man with a 300-year-old family legacy on the river. Malcolm Rees has one of the rarest and certainly no ordinary job in Wales. He is a coracle fisherman and has spent his whole life navigating the waters of the River Towy in his home town of Carmarthen. Ian Lewis reports. May 11, 2024 922
Summer celebration of art prize winners with retrospective show. Here's yet another reason to visit Swansea as another art fix gets under way. Ian Lewis reports. Mar 30, 2024 643
'For months I had a bag packed so I could just disappear'. Women have bravely spoken out about the nightmare of domestic abuse as a Welsh police force launches a new winter campaign. Ian Lewis reports. Jan 11, 2024 1221
'Menopause was harder for me than the cancer, it was too much'. Menopause comes as a shock for nearly a third of people who experience earlyonset menopause caused by cancer treatment. Here, women reveal how they coped. Oct 9, 2023 1183

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