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Browse Ian Johnson

1-18 out of 18 article(s)
Title Type Date Words
Shock and sadness at death of footballer. Dec 8, 2021 241
'Old habits die hard': Light-fingered passenger swipes student's suitcase from train; Paul Power swiped the case, which had [pounds sterling]1,000 worth of goods inside, 'on the spur of the moment' as the student travelled from Thornaby. Dec 19, 2019 274
Sam Gowland beats Marty McKenna in FAME MMA cage fight - and screams 'Up the Boro' afterwards; The pair took to the cage at Newcastle's FAME MMA event at the Utilita arena. Dec 15, 2019 337
Warning over the 'smelly fish' salesmen targeting vulnerable victims; Two men have been prosecuted for selling produce using high pressure tactics. Nov 11, 2019 442
Teesside Cannabis Club could expand north - but police say potential move 'unhelpful' in drugs fight; The not-so-secret venue is a safe haven for members on Teesside, and is now looking at County Durham as a potential place to expand. Nov 2, 2019 517
An 'amorous embrace', pants and Shredded Wheat: Creative ways inmates smuggle drugs into jail; Once upon a time it was a brown paper package slyly slipped under the table during visits - but now they have to find other ways. Sep 29, 2019 679
Kurdish gang used papershop as front to sell dangerous illegal cigarettes; The black market tobacco was missing a vital safety feature :: Defendants deny doing anything wrong. Dec 27, 2017 576
Man posted pictures of his lover on Facebook and told her husband about fling; Anthony Connorton posted snaps of the woman online :: The crime had caused her distress and she was trying to get her marriage 'back on track'. Dec 16, 2017 508
Revealed: Kids barely old enough to have Facebook 'caught with knives'; Probe reveals the chilling number of children and teenagers arrested for knife crime, but victim's mum thinks message IS getting through. Jul 23, 2017 472
Drivers slammed after parking on lifeboat slipway for second time in three days - to buy a lemon top; RNLI called police after the drivers blocked the emergency entrance for its boats - and claim the blundering drivers refused to make a donation. Jul 23, 2017 218
Man breached restraining order by telling council chief he was the next king of England; 40-year-old pleaded guilty to harassing Labour councillor, who is also leader of the council, by sending Facebook messages. Jul 3, 2017 377
It was the video that horrified Teesside - but police say there will be no charges; Footage of young girl being attacked was so shocking, Facebook deleted it from the website. Mar 30, 2017 190
Pervert promised underage girl football tickets in online grooming bid; David Wells lied about his age before asking for x-rated pictures of the girl who he knew was too young. Mar 17, 2017 408
Bradley Lowery Facebook 'troll' suspect released without charge; 24-year-old Teesside woman was quizzed by police after sick posts emerged on social media last year. Feb 16, 2017 178
Austin's last gasp of luxury; classic wheels. May 27, 2011 414
Italian style for a French marque; classic wheels. Brief article Mar 18, 2011 303
Dinky daddy of rally sensations; classic wheels. Mar 11, 2011 526
Italian touch for a French marque; classic wheels. Brief article Oct 8, 2010 303

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