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Browse IAN JOHNSON Reporter [email protected]

1-8 out of 8 article(s)
Title Type Date Words
Suicide warnings ignored by prison, report says; 'SIGNIFICANT IMPROVEMENTS' ARE EXPECTED. Jun 7, 2021 994
Complaints over e-scooter users; first two weeks of use brought scores of calls. Apr 21, 2021 736
Almost one in five 'pay later' drivers faced fine; motorists complain of problems paying tyne tunnel toll. Mar 24, 2021 567
Head can't wait to welcome pupils back; her school has seen no in-class transmission whatsoever. Feb 24, 2021 716
'He had a magical ability to lift us up' brother's tribute to well-known barber, 46. Feb 12, 2021 658
I worry the party is over; battle for survival for successful hen and stag business. May 7, 2020 714
Concern for construction staff as work continues; mp 'overwhelmed' with messages from worried workers. Apr 7, 2020 957
Pride - and prejudice By IAN JOHNSON. Jun 4, 2019 393

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