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Browse IAN HYLAND'S TV DIARY He writes about telly.. weekly

1-13 out of 13 article(s)
Title Type Date Words
Lording it. Jan 7, 2022 457
So, has the big-haired, charismatic [...]. Nov 19, 2021 193
Back at BBC1's tidying-up show [...]. Nov 12, 2021 167
Catch OF THE day. Nov 12, 2021 451
Worried over peaks & trots. Oct 15, 2021 165
Love cheets. Oct 8, 2021 444
There were many questions raised [...]. Oct 8, 2021 204
A shore bet. Oct 1, 2021 456
Week One of Celebrity SAS: [...]. Sep 10, 2021 212
It's Amandire. Sep 10, 2021 434
Five weeks into the Changing [...]. Sep 10, 2021 176
..smell the roses. Aug 27, 2021 167
Master classy. Aug 27, 2021 426

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