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Heartache as David drowns on his travels.


TRIBUTES have been paid to a Northern Ireland man who drowned in Ukraine.

David Robinson, from Newcastle, Co Down, had been travelling for a year.

The 42-year-old, who lived in Dunmurry, outside South Belfast, drowned in the Dnieper River in Zaporizhia this month.

His sister Jeanette said their whole family were "completely heartbroken".

She added the project manager for Allstate Insurance in Belfast "had a big impact on everyone".

Jeanette told how a picture of where David died had brought light "in that he didn't drown in a dark, horrible place, it was a bright place".

David was buried in Bryansford after a funeral in Newcastle on Tuesday.

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Publication:The Mirror (London, England)
Geographic Code:4EUUK
Date:Jun 21, 2019
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