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Browse Haas, Russell W.

1-9 out of 9 article(s)
Title Type Date Words
"Founded on Slavery". Letter to the editor Dec 9, 2019 259
Killing in Yemen. Letter to the editor Jan 21, 2019 210
Shame for Attempted Shaming. Letter to the editor Nov 5, 2018 200
Why Leave the Iran Deal? Letter to the editor Jun 4, 2018 247
Did Russians Buy Election? Letter to the editor Nov 20, 2017 103
What are the downsides to Iran Deal? Letter to the editor Nov 23, 2015 238
Centralize everything. Letter to the editor Aug 24, 2015 190
Real angst? Letter to the editor Feb 16, 2015 145
Cleaning up wasteful wars. Letter to the editor Jul 1, 2013 222

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