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Browse Haapoja, Margaret A.

1-12 out of 12 article(s)
Title Type Date Words
Taste for raspberries: longtime love of luscious berries becomes a family gardening project. Sep 1, 2012 1431
Kohlrabi: the forgotten vegetable: a sister to the cabbage, kohlrabi is oddly unique. Mar 1, 2012 1387
Shady characters: believe it or not, some plants work best in sunlight-challenged spaces. Mar 1, 2011 2158
Cultivate colorful cucurbits: for delicious summer and winter dishes, plant squash, pumpkins, melons and cucumbers. Mar 1, 2010 2478
Go native in the garden: add indigenous plants for carefree and environmentally beneficial landscaping. Jan 1, 2010 1836
Plant to Plate: this Minnesota program turns children on to the miracle of gardening for food. Nov 1, 2009 901
Late season color: fall flowers brighten autumn landscapes. Sep 1, 2009 1848
Create a kitchen garden: grow culinary and visual delights in the same place. May 1, 2009 2433
Phenomenal phenology: take time to explore the nature-climate connection. Nov 1, 2008 3007
Garden crops to dig: it's what's going on underground that counts. Sep 1, 2008 2176
Landscaping for birds: attract feathered friends with thoughtful plantings. Mar 1, 2008 1853
Sauna scene: steam away your aches and pain. Jan 1, 2008 1320

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