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Green light for schools to federalise.

THE formal process of federalising two Anglesey primary schools will now start after officers were given the go-ahead.

Governors at Ysgol Gymuned Moelfre and Ysgol Goronwy Owen in Benllech had requested that council officers set up the formal process which will see both schools share a single governing body.

Both schools currently work in a voluntary partnership under the care and management of one headteacher and one assistant head, but following a formal consultation, this now looks set to become a more formal arrangement.

Both schools would continue to retain their existing names, budget and staff and distinct buildings.

A meeting of the council Executive in Llangefni yesterday unanimously approved the setting up of a formal consultation process.

The report noted: "Federalisation of both schools would mean continuing with the successful collaboration that already exists under the leadership of the current headteacher.

"Primarily, formalising the partnership will enable the schools to collaborate through a formal structured process by sharing one governing body, which will make decisions to majorly benefit both schools, the staff and the pupils."

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Publication:Daily Post (Conwy, Wales)
Date:May 21, 2019
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