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Gibbon 'attacks' visitor at Memphis Zoo.

Summary: One visitor to Memphis Zoo has had a closer encounter than he might have liked with a territorial male gibbon.

One visitor to Memphis Zoo has had a closer encounter than he might have liked with a territorial male gibbon.

Footage, which has gone viral online, shows the visitor standing next to the glass front of the gibbon's enclosure, after a zookeeper warned him that his height might make the animal aggressive.

After a few moments, the gibbon jumps onto a nearby rope bridge before swinging fully around two or three times, letting go, and sailing through the air before hitting the glass behind the guest's head.

Neither the visitor or the gibbon were harmed in the incident.

Independent Television News Limited 2011. All rights reserved.

Independent Television News Limited 2012. All rights reserved.

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Publication:Independent Television News Limited (ITN)
Date:Feb 18, 2012
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