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Browse Gaby, Alan R.

1-8 out of 8 article(s)
Title Type Date Words
Coenzyme [Q.sub.10] for hypertension. Sep 1, 2010 1071
L-tryptophan is back. Mar 1, 2010 832
Nutrients for migraine prevention. Report Dec 1, 2009 945
Vitamin D prevents falls. Report Jun 1, 2009 730
Does vitamin D prevent heart disease? Clinical report Sep 1, 2008 631
Is the RDA for vitamin [B.sub.6] too low? Clinical report Sep 1, 2008 717
N-acetylcysteine helps fight addictions. Mar 1, 2008 631
Magnesium builds bones in pre-pubertal and adolescent girls. Clinical report Jun 1, 2007 856

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