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Browse Gable, Julie

1-32 out of 32 article(s)
Title Type Date Words
Disasters, regulation, technology drive decade of change for RIM. Jan 1, 2016 686
The principles, IG maturity model: tools for professional growth. Nov 1, 2015 1746
Making a business case for the principles. Statistical table Sep 1, 2015 2320
The principles and external audits. Jul 1, 2015 2621
Using the principles to guide EDRM software decisions. May 1, 2015 2342
Principles for outsourcing mission-critical business processes. Mar 1, 2015 2080
Principles for assessing an IG Program. Jan 1, 2015 2532
Principles for updating your information program. Nov 1, 2014 2646
Principles for protecting information privacy. Sep 1, 2014 2475
Leveraging the principle of availability to show ROI. Jul 1, 2014 2912
Leveraging the principles in mergers, acquisitions, and divestitures: despite the upheaval that comes with merger, acquisition, and divestiture activities, they provide great opportunities for organizations to assess and improve their information gov ernance practices. May 1, 2014 2669
The principles in practice in a new RIM program. Mar 1, 2014 2058
The principles at work at Ameritas: planning a unified approach for managing e-records. Nov 1, 2013 1707
Extending the principles to the internet: a way to restore trust. Sep 1, 2013 1752
The principles assessment as a collaborative tool. Jul 1, 2013 1841
The principles at work in a Canadian regional government. May 1, 2013 1818
A consultant's view: the principles as diagnostic tools. (THE PRINCIPLES: GENERALLY ACCEPTED RECORDKEEPING PRINCIPLES[R]. Mar 1, 2013 2255
The principles at work in Cargill: tools for assessment, communication. Company overview Jan 1, 2013 1808
Lifting the fog on cloud computing. Book review Nov 1, 2011 627
Examining metadata: its role in e-discovery and the future of records managers: recent developments in law, standards, and technology suggest that metadata will play an important part in the evolution of electronic records management. Sep 1, 2009 2415
Eight tips for working with a consultant: top consultants offer suggestions for identifying, hiring, and working with consultants to produce a successful experience and end result for all involved. Jul 1, 2007 3181
E-records for government doers. Nov 1, 2006 937
Navigating the compliance landscape: compliance issues are changing the RIM industry. RIM professionals must adjust their mindsets to understand the importance of compliance in the corporate culture to better serve their company and their profession. Jul 1, 2005 3121
Relationship building 101. Jul 1, 2005 689
Two effective approaches to compliance efforts. Nov 1, 2004 977
Innovations in information management technologies: thanks to sweeping new regulations and an investigatory climate in corporations worldwide, fine minds are turning their attention to solving--or at least salving--the difficulties associated with managing electronic records. Jan 1, 2004 2644
Quiet leadership. Book Review Jan 1, 2003 768
Everything you wanted to know about DoD 5015.2: the standard is not a panacea or a guarantee, but it is a tangible contribution in a field hungry for guidance. Nov 1, 2002 3473
How does your RIM program measure up? Book Review Jul 1, 2002 751
Enterprise application integration: EAI is the soluble glue needed for modular relationships that allow organizations to be flexible and responsive to market demands. (TechTrends). Mar 1, 2002 2165
Dispensing with the Truth: The Victims, the Drug Companies, and the Dramatic Story Behind the Battle over Fen-Phen. (Book Review). Jan 1, 2002 795
Moving forward. (From The Editors). Brief Article Oct 1, 2001 744

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