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Title Author Type Date Words
Baku Initiative Group to grant scholarships to young people from countries which are fighting colonialism. Jul 17, 2024 225
New Caledonian MP: Brutality of racist French police against Kanaks is unacceptable. Jul 17, 2024 222
French left fights over PM role, with current government set to resign. Jul 16, 2024 387
President Macron's gamble. Jul 14, 2024 735
Risk of far right gaining power has not gone away, warns French Green leader. Jul 12, 2024 1423
The most incredible poll in French history. Jul 11, 2024 530
Lefwing coalition strives to put together French government. Jul 10, 2024 221
Gov’t pressures French schools in Turkey after France rejects Ankara-run Maarif schools. Jul 10, 2024 589
France faces bumpy road to political convergence. Jul 10, 2024 160
New French government urged to rethink fast fashion tax. Hannah Abdulla Jul 10, 2024 573
Gridlocked. Jul 9, 2024 884
FRANCE AFLAME. VIOLENCE EXPLODES ON STREETS OF PARIS AFTER RIGHT LOSES Furious rioters light up city as left-wing alliance victory creates political deadlock. MARTIN FRICKER Jul 9, 2024 462
French PM Gabriel Attal To Tender Resignation Monday. Jul 8, 2024 230
BAR RIGHT. France averts 'catastrophe' of National Rally seizing power as parties unite in polls fight. PETER ALLEN and MARTIN FRICKER Jul 8, 2024 361
BAR RIGHT. France averts 'catastrophe' of National Rally seizing power as parties unite in polls fight. PETER ALLEN and MARTIN FRICKER Jul 8, 2024 384
France’s political quagmire: An alliance of necessity. Nazir, Ahmad Jul 8, 2024 644
JUST IN: French PM, Attai turns in resignation after party's election defeat. Jul 8, 2024 257
Surprising twist in France as far-right blocked in decisive round of legislative election Parliament without majority could lead to uncertainty: experts. Jul 8, 2024 980
BREAKING: French election results: Marine Le Pen's far-right surge crushed by left wing coalition; The left wing coalition in France's parliamentary elections managed to smash the country's far right parties into third, after forming an agreement with many liberals to block the National Rally from power. By, William Morgan Jul 8, 2024 1156
Alliance of left-wing parties gets majority of seats in French parliament. Jul 8, 2024 561
Left-wing alliance wins French elections; PM to resign. Jul 8, 2024 607
France in political limbo after shock election result. Jul 8, 2024 420
Macron is arrogant but not stupid. Jul 7, 2024 829
At 28, Bardella Could Become Youngest French Prime Minister at Helm of Far-Right National Rally. Jul 7, 2024 1012
How France Fell To The Far Right. Jul 7, 2024 1628
JUST IN: French PM, Attai turns in resignation after party's election defeat. Jul 7, 2024 271
Far-right unlikely to win majority on Sunday in 2nd round of France's early elections. Jul 6, 2024 613
Fascism rising in France, but don't panic... Jul 6, 2024 812
DYER: Fascists aren't taking over france. Jul 5, 2024 873
The 2024 EU Elections: Shift to the Right or Maintaining Stability? Jul 4, 2024 1210
Far-Right Surge or Status Quo? Understanding the 2024 European Elections. Jul 4, 2024 1210
French president, centrist bloc rule out coalition with left-wing LFI. Jul 3, 2024 378
Strong lead for far right. Jul 2, 2024 381
Strong lead for far right. Jul 2, 2024 381
Strong lead for far right. Jul 2, 2024 381
French far right surge. Jul 2, 2024 381
Strong lead for far right. Jul 2, 2024 380
Strong lead for far right. Jul 2, 2024 380
Far-right leads in French elections. Jul 2, 2024 315
Strong lead for far right. Jul 2, 2024 381
Strong lead for far right. Jul 2, 2024 381
Strong lead for far right. World News. Jul 2, 2024 381
Strong lead for far right. Jul 2, 2024 381
Strong lead for far right. Jul 2, 2024 399
La grande calamite. AS ELECTION CLIMAX LOOMS TURMOIL IN FRANCE Dire warnings as hard-right party on cusp of power. MARTIN FRICKER Jul 2, 2024 706
Far-right parties on march across Europe. Comment BY JASON BEATTIE HEAD OF POLITICS Jul 2, 2024 189
La grande calamite. turmoil in france as election climax looms Dire warnings as hard-right party on cusp of power. MARTIN FRICKER Jul 2, 2024 707
La grande e calamite. AS ELECTION CLIMAX LOOMS TURMOIL IN FRANCE Dire warnings as hard-right party on cusp of power. MARTIN FRICKER Jul 2, 2024 708
Far-right parties on march across Europe. Comment BY JASON BEATTIE HEAD OF POLITICS Jul 2, 2024 189
Strong lead for far right. Jul 2, 2024 381
French far-right on brink. Jul 2, 2024 380
Strong lead for far right. Jul 2, 2024 381
Strong lead for far right. Jul 2, 2024 381
Strong lead for far right. Jul 2, 2024 381
National Rally claims advantage in election. ASSOCIATED PRESS REPORTERS Jul 2, 2024 558
Far-Right Leads France's Snap Election: Projections. Jul 1, 2024 301
French parties rush to build anti-far right front. Jul 1, 2024 883
The far-right has surged to the lead in France’s elections. But forming a government remains a tall order. Fathi, Romain Jul 1, 2024 735
Macron's big gamble. Jul 1, 2024 377
The far-right has surged to the lead in France’s elections. But forming a government remains a tall order. Fathi, Romain Jul 1, 2024 771
Macron's big gamble. Jul 1, 2024 372
Macron's big gamble. Jul 1, 2024 377
Macron's big gamble. Jul 1, 2024 377
Macron's big gamble. Jul 1, 2024 354
Macron weakened at home and abroad as early election gives far right momentum. Voters across mainland France began casting their ballots yesterday in the first round of exceptional parliamentary election that could put France's government in the hands of far-right nationalist parties for the first time since the Nazi era. Sylvie Corbet reports. Sylvie Corbet Jul 1, 2024 824
Macron's big gamble. Jul 1, 2024 377
French far-right win big. Jul 1, 2024 160
Macron's big gamble. Jul 1, 2024 377
Macron's big gamble. Jul 1, 2024 377
Macron's big gamble. Jul 1, 2024 377
Macron's big gamble. Jul 1, 2024 377
Macron's big gamble. Jul 1, 2024 358
Macron's major gamble. Jul 1, 2024 377
Macron's big gamble. Jul 1, 2024 358
Strong Turnout in France’s High-Stakes Elections as Support for the Far Right Grows. Jun 30, 2024 995
Far-right RN leads in France's snap parliamentary elections: Exit polls. Jun 30, 2024 189
Far-right surges in 1st round of French elections. Jun 30, 2024 296
Analysts, Observers to QNA: Legislative Snap Elections a Milestone in France History. Jun 29, 2024 1439
France bans extreme-right and radical Islamic groups ahead of polarizing elections. Jun 27, 2024 693
Marine Le Pen – or the hard left? Macron has left France’s voters with a ‘scary choice’. Jun 26, 2024 1328
Rylan Clark launches explosive outburst at Tories for 'attacking vulnerable minorities'; Rylan Clark didn't hold back when it came to discussing the Tories at the recent Attitude Pride Awards in association with Peugeot as he slammed the party. By, Ashleigh Rainbird Jun 26, 2024 355
France faces threat of 'civil war' - Macron warns. Jun 26, 2024 476
It's simple: If democracy isn't pro-worker, it will die. Jun 26, 2024 990
On the brink of power: how France’s National Rally reinvented itself. Jun 25, 2024 1243
Democracy really needs to be more pro-worker. Jun 25, 2024 995
If democracy isn't pro-worker, it will die. Jun 24, 2024 1043
As France reels from the rape of Jewish girl, antisemitism comes to the fore in election campaign. Jun 21, 2024 811
French premier warns of foreign policy impacts in case of far-right victory in elections. Jun 20, 2024 307
France’s next government will have to tussle with EU’s spending police. Jun 19, 2024 900
Macron's discredit hurts MPs from his political party in France. Jun 19, 2024 264
Experts to QNA: Right's Election Win Disrupts French Political Scene. Jun 18, 2024 822
European Elections: A wake-up call for centrist parties. Razdan, Nidhi Jun 17, 2024 669
Campaigning kicks off in France for snap election, Le Pen's far right party holds comfortable lead. Jun 17, 2024 361
Campaigning takes off in France for snap election in two weeks. Jun 17, 2024 627
France witnesses demos against right-wing political camp. Jun 15, 2024 222
France facing 'very serious' moment as far-right and far-left lead polls. Jun 14, 2024 627
Macron Seeks Alliance against France’s Far Right; Republicans Ditch Party Chief. Jun 12, 2024 702
Macron calls French election. GLOBAL BRIEFING. Jun 11, 2024 209
Macron calls French election. GLOBAL BRIEFING. Jun 11, 2024 209
Macron calls French election. GLOBAL BRIEFING. Jun 11, 2024 209
Macron calls French election. GLOBAL BRIEFING. Jun 11, 2024 209
Macron calls French election. GLOBAL BRIEFING. Jun 11, 2024 209
Macron calls French election. GLOBAL BRIEFING. Jun 11, 2024 209
Macron calls French election. GLOBAL BRIEFING. Jun 11, 2024 208
Macron calls French election. GLOBAL BRIEFING. Jun 11, 2024 209
State of fear. Jun 11, 2024 260
French far-right parties fail to form coalition for elections. Jun 11, 2024 175
Macron calls French election. GLOBAL BRIEFING. Jun 11, 2024 209
Macron calls French election. GLOBAL BRIEFING. Jun 11, 2024 209
Macron calls French election. GLOBAL BRIEFING. Jun 11, 2024 209
Macron calls French election. GLOBAL BRIEFING. Jun 11, 2024 209
Macron calls French election. GLOBAL BRIEFING. Jun 11, 2024 209
European elections: Emmanuel Macron calls snap election after being decimated by far right; President Emmanuel Macron has dissolved the French National Assembly after a humiliating defeat in the European Elections as voters head back to the polls on June 30 and July 7. By, Ryan Fahey Jun 10, 2024 609
Euro plummets against the pound to almost two-year low -what it means for you; Looking at it from a more day-to-day angle, it's good news if you have a holiday booked in the euro area, as your pound will go further when converted to the single currency. By, Ruby Flanagan Jun 10, 2024 348
EU elections 2024 live: Macron says France needs ‘clear majority’ after calling snap elections following far-right surge. Jun 10, 2024 1486
Macron calls snap poll as far-right rises in EU. Jun 10, 2024 393
EU Parliament lurches right, but center holds. Jun 10, 2024 1316
Division between France's Nationalist Parties Won't Lead to Grand Coalition between Them in EP. Jun 10, 2024 445
France's Macron dissolves parliament, announces snap polls. Jun 9, 2024 305
D-Day shame is a killer for Tories. RECORD VIEW. Jun 8, 2024 276
Rishi Sunak slammed as PM snubs D-Day ceremony with world leaders for ITV interview; Rishi Sunak has been urged to 'tell the truth' about whether he skipped D-Day commemorations for an ITV interview to 'try and convince people he's not a liar?'. By, Joseph Wilkes & Dave Burke & Phoebe Tonks Jun 7, 2024 780
Keir Starmer says Rishi Sunak 'must answer' for choice to skip D-Day event; The Labour leader said his decision to attend commemorations in Normandy was "not even a discussion -it was my duty and my privilege to be there". By, Mikey Smith Jun 7, 2024 450
Rishi Sunak sparks fury as he snubs D-Day commemorations to record ITV interview; Rishi Sunak has been urged to 'tell the truth' about the reason behind his decision to skip a D-Day memorial for an ITV interview as critics accuse him of 'trying to convince people he's not a liar?'. By, Joseph Wilkes & Dave Burke & Phoebe Tonks Jun 7, 2024 823
France is approaching European elections amid political tension. Jun 5, 2024 587
Political donations in France swerve to the right as Le Pen’s niece raises more than Macron. May 30, 2024 910
Turkish parliament condemns French resolution on Assyrians and Chaldeans. May 2, 2024 261
Mali: Political parties call for presidential elections to end military transition. Laura Apr 23, 2024 775
Turkey’s pro-Kurdish party challenges overturning of candidate’s election victory. Apr 3, 2024 423
‘This is only the beginning’: Turkish opposition celebrates. Apr 2, 2024 661
Aa Naoung vows support for French investors, tourists. Mar 22, 2024 254
Da Nang vows support for French investors, tourists. Mar 22, 2024 255
From Presidential to Parliamentary System in Nigeria: Will that End Africa's War on Democracy? Feb 18, 2024 2966
Corsicans protest at persecution of peaceful activists by French police. Feb 3, 2024 800
Secretary General of People's Unity for Liberation of Guadeloupe makes statement. Feb 3, 2024 603
Corsicans protest at persecution of peaceful activists by French police. Feb 3, 2024 807
Ex-Atiku's spokesman, Bwala, meets Tinubu in ParisEx-Atiku's spokesman, Bwala, meets Tinubu in Paris. Jan 29, 2024 528
Street protests from left to right, Increasing instability in Europe. Jan 25, 2024 940
OPINION - Street protests from left to right: Increasing instability in Europe. Jan 17, 2024 1015
On this day. Jan 13, 2024 222
On this day. Jan 13, 2024 222
On this day. Jan 13, 2024 222
FRIDAY, Jan. 12, 2024. Jan 11, 2024 165
Gabriel Attal becomes France's youngest PM as Macron seeks reset. Jan 9, 2024 406
Gabriel Attal becomes France’s youngest PM as Macron seeks reset. Jan 9, 2024 442
Gabriel Attal Becomes France’s Youngest PM as Macron Seeks Reset. Jan 9, 2024 429
34-year-old Gabriel Attal appointed Prime Minister by French President Macron. Jan 9, 2024 203
France toughens its anti-migration stance. Dec 21, 2023 1001
France passes controversial immigration bill amid deep division in Macron’s party. Dec 20, 2023 774
France’s government and conservative lawmakers find a compromise on immigration bill. Dec 20, 2023 389
French far-right Le Pen to stand trial on EU embezzlement, fraud charges. Dec 14, 2023 184
French lower house rejects Macron’s immigration bill. Dec 12, 2023 458
French lower house rejects Macron’s immigration bill. Dec 11, 2023 448
Via>>++t Nam, France to boost cooperation in defence and security, trade, energy transition. Oct 20, 2023 734
Bayelsa Guber: Lokpobiri, Lyon Dump Slyva, Adopt Diri. Oct 8, 2023 779
French government dissolves far-right Catholic party Civitas. Oct 5, 2023 197
French people, politicians blast 'indecent' Versailles dinner for King Charles. Sep 28, 2023 609
French people, politicians blast 'indecent' Versailles dinner for King Charles. Sep 28, 2023 609
Conservatives likely to retain upper hand in French Senate. Sep 25, 2023 278
Conservatives likely to retain upper hand in French Senate. Sep 25, 2023 278
Conservatives likely to retain upper hand in French Senate. Sep 25, 2023 278
Urges the President of the House of Representatives to investigate the "Paris ticket" case. Sep 20, 2023 248
Fast-track for migrants. Sep 7, 2023 213
Macron meets opposition chiefs to break French political deadlock. Aug 31, 2023 383
SORT IT OUT OR MORE WILL DIE. Tories told to ditch gimmicks after six die on sea crossing. BEN GLAZE Aug 14, 2023 519
SORT IT OUT OR MORE WILL DIE. Tories told to ditch gimmicks after six die on sea crossing. BEN GLAZE Deputy Political Editor Aug 14, 2023 531
it out or more will die. Tories told to ditch gimmicks after six die on sea crossing. BEN GLAZE Deputy Political Editor Aug 14, 2023 531
Tories 'left with blood on their hands' over migrant deaths after week of farce; Rishi Sunak's government are reeling after a horrific seven days in which the Bibby Stockholm migrant barge policy fell apart and several migrants tragically died in the Channel. By, Ben Glaze Aug 13, 2023 765
Lee Anderson admits Tories have failed on immigration as he refuses to apologise for rant; The Conservative Deputy Chairman said the Government had allowed the situation to get "out of control" as he defended telling asylum seekers they should "f*** off back to France". By, John Stevens Aug 8, 2023 438
French politician suggests disconnecting social networks during unrest - radio station. Jul 2, 2023 176
Via>>t Nam attaches importance to comprehensive relations with France: FM. Jun 7, 2023 725
Sartre, Camus, and the Personal's Impact on the Intellectual. Jun 5, 2023 1171
Tinubu Holds Peace Talk With Kwankwaso In France. May 21, 2023 282
Tinubu Holds Peace Talk With Kwankwaso In France. May 20, 2023 282
'Despite Meeting With Tinubu, Kano APC Won't Accept Kwankwaso'. May 19, 2023 608
12 Days To Go: Tinubu, Kwankwaso Discuss Govt Of National Unity In France. May 17, 2023 572
Tinubu moves to co-opt Kwankwaso into new govt. May 17, 2023 400
Tinubu, Kwankwaso Meet In France. May 16, 2023 286
Tinubu Holds Peace Talk With Kwankwaso In France. May 16, 2023 282
Faleke Confirms Tinubu's Return Today, Mobilises Welcome. Apr 25, 2023 493
Scandal-plagued former DPK leader Song returns home. Apr 24, 2023 211
Ex-DP leader to address 'cash envelope' bribery scandal this week. Apr 18, 2023 367
Dispute over pension reform in France gives Marine Le Pen's party boost. Apr 4, 2023 318
Dispute over pension reform in France gives Marine Le Pen's party boost. Apr 4, 2023 323
Dispute over pension reform in France gives Marine Le Pen's party boost. Apr 4, 2023 323
Turkiye's ruling party harshly reacts to awarding of PKK/YPG members by France. Mar 29, 2023 218
Demonstrations against pension reforms continue in France. Mar 28, 2023 285
Demonstrations against pension reforms continue in France. Mar 28, 2023 285
Lyon May Defect to LP, APGA. Mar 26, 2023 556
Bayelsa Assembly polls: Group mocks Lyon for losing Ward. Mar 22, 2023 202
French govt narrowly survives no-confidence vote but faces more challenges. Reuters News Service Mar 20, 2023 406
Macron Faces 'Moment Of Truth' As French Pension Reform Goes To Vote. AFP News Mar 16, 2023 732
Macron orders pension change without vote. Mar 16, 2023 697
Terrorism suspect, 41, used Twitter to glorify beheadings, court told. MATTHEW COOPER News Reporter Mar 10, 2023 797
Terrorism suspect, 41, used Twitter to glorify beheadings, court told. MATTHEW COOPER Mar 10, 2023 834
Macron Pension Reform Hits French Parliament As New Strike Looms. AFP News Feb 6, 2023 662
French lesson to learn for Tories on our pensions. PAUL ROUTLEDGE Telling it like it is.. Jan 27, 2023 319
French lesson to learn for Tories on our pensions; PAUL ROUTLEDGE Telling it like it is... PAUL ROUTLEDGE Jan 27, 2023 314
'With our pension age rising we need a French lesson to stop the robbing Tories'; In France people have taken to the streets over plans to raise the state pension age to 64, while we risk a hike to 68 and barely whimper, says Paul Routledge. By, Paul Routledge Jan 26, 2023 530
Parisian youth organizations protest against pension reform. Jan 22, 2023 277
HDP co-leader incites violence amid protests in Paris by supporters of PKK terror group. Dec 25, 2022 300
Legitimacy of Front-of-Pack Nutrition Labels: Controversy Over the Deployment of the Nutri-Score in Italy. Fialon, Morgane; Nabec, Lydiane; Julia, Chantal Nov 1, 2022 10884
The rise of the Far Right in Europe. Oct 30, 2022 2249
Erdoy-an ally resigns after allegations from crime boss. admin Sep 1, 2022 389
French MPs vote to scrap public TV licence fee. Jul 23, 2022 316
CoE says will pay close attention to human rights situation in Turkey after protest in Strasbourg. admin Jul 6, 2022 1002
How Rivers quaked over Wike's purported meeting with Tinubu in France. Jul 6, 2022 806
Drama as Joe Igbokwe Pulls down Post on 'Wike Visiting Tinubu in France'. Jul 3, 2022 364
2023: Wike Didn't Meet Tinubu In France - PDP BoT Member. Jul 3, 2022 325
'Thankful For A Fine Evening', Says Wike After Rumoured Meeting With Tinubu In France. Jul 3, 2022 179
2023: Wike Didn't Meet Tinubu In France - PDP BoT Member. Jul 2, 2022 325
'Thankful For A Fine Evening', Says Wike After Rumoured Meeting With Tinubu In France. Jul 2, 2022 179
Wike visited Tinubu in France - Joe Igbokwe claims. Jul 2, 2022 239
Tinubu Denies Meeting Wike In France But Says His Doors Are Open. Jul 2, 2022 492
2023: Wike Didn't Meet Tinubu In France - PDP BoT Member. Jul 1, 2022 325
'Thankful For A Fine Evening', Says Wike After Rumoured Meeting With Tinubu In France. Jul 1, 2022 179
Wike Didn't Meet Tinubu In France PDP Chieftain. Jul 1, 2022 423
PDP Crisis: Rivers State Governor, Wike To Meet APC Presidential Candidate, Tinubu In France - Joe Igbokwe. Jun 30, 2022 248
French parties brush off Macron appeal to unblock parliament. admin Jun 23, 2022 395
French election result may lead to more Islamophobia: Experts. admin Jun 22, 2022 626
France elections: Macron to meet rival parties after losing majority. admin Jun 21, 2022 402
Centrist party looks set to lose majority. Jun 20, 2022 153
Far-right 'tsunami' in France sees Macron lose parliament absolute majority. admin Jun 20, 2022 1038
French voters to elect legislature for first round. Jun 15, 2022 248
Macron's centrists hold thin edge in France after first round vote. Jun 13, 2022 260
French projections: Macron's centrists will keep a majority. Jun 13, 2022 728
Macron's alliance may not win majority in 1st round of French general elections. Jun 13, 2022 339
Macron's centrists edge ahead of left in French first round vote. Reuters News Service Jun 13, 2022 403
French Projections: Macron's Centrists To Keep A Majority. Jun 12, 2022 622
France heads to polls in legislative elections. Jun 11, 2022 639
LG Congress: Sorhue, Osawota Emerge PDP National Delegates. May 10, 2022 321
Macron's party changes name to 'Renaissance'. May 7, 2022 193
Macron again. Apr 27, 2022 342
Centrist. Apr 26, 2022 908
France Heads To The s As The World Watches On. Apr 23, 2022 931
Next is Frexit? - "Marine Le Pen will bring the end of France remaining in EU" - EXPERTS' COMMENTS. Apr 18, 2022 777
France: EU Fraud Agency Investigating Candidate Le Pen. Asharq Al-Awsat Apr 18, 2022 477
Opponents of French far-right protest as election campaign enters final week. Reuters News Service Apr 16, 2022 642
Defeated French presidential candidates rally to block the far-right. Apr 10, 2022 627
Macron sails through in 1st round of presidential election ahead of far-right candidate Le Pen. Apr 10, 2022 403
Emmanuel Macron holds first rally as tight election looms. By: Times News Service Apr 2, 2022 518
2023: Tambuwal' Sterling leadership encourages youths political participation - Commissioner. Mar 18, 2022 359
Sokoto PDP vows to unseat APC lawmakers. Mar 15, 2022 349
Tories refuse to rule out pushing Channel boats back to France despite 27 deaths; Home Secretary Priti Patel was urged to 'immediately rule out these dangerous and cruel pushback tactics which don't work and could cause yet more unnecessary deaths'. By, Lizzy Buchan & Ben Glaze Nov 25, 2021 789
Fellow Travellers: Communist Trade Unionism and Industrial Relations on the French Railways, 1914-1939. Lewis, Robert W. Sep 22, 2021 1207
Former Ivorian PM Charles Konan Banny dies at 78. Obituary Sep 11, 2021 179
Slapping The Hell Out Of A President! By Ozodinukwe Okenwa. Jun 27, 2021 1247
French lesson could help put those who are corrupt in dock; Talkback Get in touch - tell us what you think E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 0151 227 2000 Twitter: @LIVECHONEWs Facebook: Post: Liverpool ECHO, PO Box 48, 5 St Paul's Square, Liverpool L69 3EB. May 22, 2021 686
TOP NEWS SUMMARY: US jobs soar as Republicans vow to fight Biden plan. Apr 5, 2021 1591
France's women strike for pay, gender equality. Mar 9, 2021 579
France approves China's CGTN broadcast license. Mar 4, 2021 316
World leaders offer congratulations to Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Treng's re-election. Feb 26, 2021 876
Unfortunately, Islam is not properly understood in Europe - British journalist. Feb 16, 2021 619
Hariri meets with Aoun in fresh government-forming bid. NAJIA HOUSSARI Feb 12, 2021 696
On this day. Jan 25, 2021 191
France's Jean-Marie Le Pen 'Shocked' by Treatment of Trump, Says There Was No Capitol 'Coup' Attempt. Jan 15, 2021 592
Photo of the Day: Taiwan's president races for 'world domination'. Dec 11, 2020 266
Banning France. Nov 28, 2020 810
Azerbaijani parties urge end to France's Karabakh mediation. Nov 26, 2020 1455
France urges speedy government formation in Lebanon. NAJIA HOUSSARI Nov 13, 2020 777
Macron's words 'ideological' bullets for Daesh: Turkey. Oct 28, 2020 294
Turkey: Backlash grows to France's Islamophobia. Oct 27, 2020 216
Turkish parliament condemns Macron's anti-Islam remarks. Oct 27, 2020 190
Taiwan legislature forms new caucus to promote ties with France. Oct 27, 2020 318
'Paris Disagreements': Differing views on historic peace treaty continue war of words over 29th anniversary of accord. Oct 26, 2020 980
Taiwan's new France office set to open by early December. Oct 19, 2020 241
Lebanon's inept elite risk descent into chaos. Hafed Al-Ghwell Oct 17, 2020 1176
Renovation of Ta'nggc Thgng Museum beginsin HCM City. Oct 14, 2020 568
Tories branded 'inhumane' over plans to snare migrants' boats in nets; Clandestine Channel Threat Commander Dan O'Mahoney, of the Home Office, claimed the move could help return boats to France -but campaigners fear desperate refugees could threaten to jump overboard. By, Ben Glaze Oct 11, 2020 372
Azerbaijani political parties do not regard France as OSCE MG co-chair. Oct 8, 2020 323
ON THIS DAY. Oct 5, 2020 196
ON THIS DAY. Oct 5, 2020 203
On this day. Oct 5, 2020 195
HAPPENED ON THIS DAY. Oct 5, 2020 191
on this day. Oct 5, 2020 205
On this day. Oct 5, 2020 168
ON THIS DAY. Oct 5, 2020 157
on this DAY. Oct 5, 2020 153
HAPPENED TODAY. Oct 5, 2020 155
LOOKING BACK; OCTOBER 5-11. Oct 3, 2020 384
LOOKING BACK OCTOBER 5-11. Oct 3, 2020 384
Russian envoy seeks to break 'suffocating' Beirut deadlock. NAJIA HOUSSARI Sep 30, 2020 557
French Senate Election To Deliver Gains For Greens, Losses For Macron. Sep 28, 2020 295
Lebanon's Prime Minister-Designate Steps Down In Blow To French Initiative. Sep 27, 2020 728
Endless INDUSTRIAL POLICY: Science and technology policy is the wrong tool for delivering broad-based national prosperity. Alic, John A. Sep 22, 2020 5747
France: Former interior minister to lead ruling party. Sep 10, 2020 209
France: More lawmakers jump ship from ruling party. Sep 9, 2020 354
GERS figures showing Scotland's [pounds sterling]15.1bn deficit described as 'hammer blow' to independence plans by Tories; Figures showing growth in Scotland's fiscal deficit have been described as a "hammer blow" to plans for independence by the Tories, while the Finance Secretary says they demonstrate that the status quo must change. Scotsman Reporter Aug 26, 2020 602
Why Nigeria's Problems Won't End Even If Buhari Resigns - Falae. Aug 18, 2020 2756
French theme park gathering of 9,000 circumvents COVID-19 restrictions. Aug 17, 2020 205
Ivory Coast PM dies after cabinet meeting. Reuters News Service Jul 8, 2020 403
Troubles mount for embattled Macron. Cornelia Meyer Jul 4, 2020 604
A Counterrevolutionary Force: Our civilization is worthy of our loyalty, even unto death. Mccarthy, Daniel Jul 1, 2020 1074
Greens Surge In France, Macron Slips In Low-Turnout Polls. Jun 29, 2020 749
Paris mayor reelected in green wave. Sylvie Corbet Associated Press Jun 29, 2020 160
Vigt Nam calls for people-centred solutions to refugee issue. Jun 20, 2020 1493
NA deputies approve a resolution on socio-economic development in ethnic minority regions. Jun 20, 2020 1493
95 years of Vigt Nam's revolutionary press. Jun 20, 2020 1496
Turkey to repatriate cancer patient from France. May 28, 2020 161

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