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Articles from Financial Management (UK) (February 1, 2015)

1-34 out of 34 article(s)
Title Author Type Words
8 ways to ... ensure comprehensive compliance. Bartram, Peter Interview 1009
A word from the president: 'cost-cutting alone is not the answer. There must also be a long-term vision'. Luck, Keith 556
British finance directors sink into bearishness. 102
CIMA CEO column: 'by 2018 the US could face a shortage of up to 190,000 experts with deep analytical skills'. Tilley, Charles Conference news 567
Editor's note. Holmes, Lawrie Editorial 189
Financial reporting and taxation. Amos, Jo 2013
Flair warning: most employers are failing to make the best use of the assessment information at their disposal when making talent management decisions. Kinley, Nik; Ben-Hur, Shlomo 374
Forthcoming events. Calendar 144
Gonna make you a star: how a firm becomes a household name: the author of Brand Famous suggests some key steps to help your business stand out in a congested marketplace. Book review 350
Hi-tech tools of the trade in association with IBM[R]: today's leaders need to master all the cutting-edge tech at their disposal to get the most from the modern finance function. 872
Hot potato: this issue's dilemma. Brief article 193
How to close the gap between research findings and practice in management accounting. Mitchell, Falconer; Norreklit, Hanne; Norreklit, Lennart 1259
I worked on ... a complete IT overhaul. Column 667
Institute highlights technological and ethical imperatives facing members. 191
Institute issues guidance for CFOs. 130
Integrated case study exams at strategic, management and operational levels. Crofts, Helen 3372
Led by finance. Hasan, Mohd Sidki 467
On CGMA. Org: for chartered global management accountants, the following content is available online. 241
Opinion: Greece remains in the mire, years after the economic crisis struck. Although there are some encouraging signs of recovery, says Yiannis Baboulias, it sorely needs the right leadership. Baboulias, Yiannis 556
Progress report: on the first anniversary of the publication of the International Integrated Reporting Council's IR framework, Charles Orton-Jones gauges the extent to which it has been adopted around the world. Orton-Jones, Charles 1120
Putting theory into practice: why is a cash-rich firm such as Apple using the bond markets? Berry, Robert 1232
Recent events. Calendar 164
Security worries keep firms wary of entering cloud. 189
Sphere of influence. Interview 2372
Staying safe in the cloud: with online solutions and cloud-based systems becoming increasingly common for accountancy practitioners, what steps can you take to ensure that your clients' data is secure? 633
The data: climate change: there's still time to act. 132
The insider view: Toronto: Financial Management examines how business is conducted in cities around the world, with local experts acting as guides. 519
Thinking big. Holmes, Lawrie Interview 1463
Thinking: revenue management: a top-line tool that does more than improve results. Roberts, Hanno 542
Tipping point. Atkinson, Dan 1418
Upping the anti. Holmes, Lawrie 1607
US economic recovery will gain momentum, says PwC. 208
Watercooler: I want to be alone! Column 828
What you learn on ... the 'fraud and corruption risk in business' CIMA Mastercourse. 608

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