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The Fedora Project, a Red Hat, Inc. sponsored and community-driven open source collaboration has launched Fedora 29, the latest version of the fully open source Fedora operating system. Fedora 29 delivers three distinct editions each designed to provide a free, Linux-based system tailored to meet specific use cases - Fedora 29 Server, Fedora 29 Workstation and Fedora 29 Atomic Host.

All editions of Fedora 29 are built from a common set of base packages and, as with all new Fedora releases, the packages feature numerous bug fixes and performance tweaks as well as new and enhanced additions. The Fedora 29 base package includes updated compilers and languages including Python 3.7, Perl 5.28. glibc 2.28, Gloang 1.11, and MySQL 8.

First introduced in Fedora 28, the modular repository previously only available in Fedora 28 Server is now available for all editions. Modularity helps make it easier to include alternative versions of software and updates than those shipped with the default release, designed to enable some users to use tried-and-true versions of software while enabling others to work with just-released innovation without impacting the overall stability of the Fedora operating system.

Software lifecycles are a challenge in managing modern systems. Some applications need to move quickly so that you can get the latest features, while others require a slower cycle to increase stability. The traditional Linux distribution approach forces you to make this decision based on operating system version. By bringing modularity to all Fedora editions, users can have access to enhanced flexibility for a set of use cases across current and future Fedora releases.

As the world of connected devices grows, from smart homes to industrial sensors, the importance of Internet-of-Things (IoT) technologies should as well. Helping to power these technologies are ARM microprocessors, which are often delivered in small, energy-sipping form factors to power these groups of tiny devices. The importance of ARM to IoT has not been lost on Fedora, and Fedora 29 aims to make the Fedora operating system a home for both ARM and IoT.

These features start with enhanced ZRAM support for swap on ARMv7 and aarch64, which can improve the performance and reliability of Fedora 29 on ARM Single Board Computers, like the Raspberry Pi. These devices are used by makers and in IoT solutions projects.

Fedora 29 Workstation

The latest version of Fedora's desktop-focused edition provides new tools and features for general users as well as developers with the inclusion of GNOME 3.30. GNOME 3.30 helps better streamline performance by using fewer system resources, enabling users to run more apps at once without encountering performance issues. The latest version also adds a new Podcasts app and automatically updates Flatpaks in Software Center.

About Red Hat, Inc.

Red Hat is a provider of enterprise open source software solutions, using a community-powered approach to deliver reliable and high-performing Linux, hybrid cloud, container, and Kubernetes technologies. Red Hat helps customers integrate new and existing IT applications, develop cloud-native applications, standardize on their operating system, and automate, secure, and manage complex environments.

For more information, visit or call 571/421-8132.

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Publication:UNIX Update
Date:Dec 1, 2018

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