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FAST helps resellers with licensing issues. (IT News).

The Federation Against Software Theft is asking resellers to call the FAST hotline if they find one of their customers is struggling with software compliance. Paul Brennan General Counsel for FAST says: "When a reseller knows of a company which is not software compliant they should report it to FAST. Then providing there is sufficient evidence to support the suspicion we will investigate." What Happens If A Reseller Suspects There Are Issues With A Customer? Where a reseller is suspicious but can't be sure and the customer does not seem to want to address the issue, a report can be made to FAST. In cases where there is insufficient evidence for FAST enforcement team to act, the information can be passed on to the relevant FAST area officer to call the company in question and arrange to visit them to raise awareness of the seriousness of non-compliance.
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Publication:Database and Network Journal
Article Type:Brief Article
Geographic Code:4EUUK
Date:Jun 1, 2002
Previous Article:Ecommerce confidence high amongst UK SMEs. (IT News).
Next Article:Lotus Developer Domain. (IT News).

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