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Ex-soldiers ask COP to abandon protest.

In the wake of the planned June 7 protest by the Council of Patriot (COP), disbanded soldiers of the Armed Forces of Liberia (AFL) are urging protesters to abandon their June 7 assembly.

The former Spokesman of the disbanded AFL Soldiers Captain Jerry Kollie told this paper in an exclusive interview Wednesday, 5 June at his Redlight office that the call by the ex-soldiers is in the interest of the safety of the country.

The group observes that protest all around the world results to violence.

'We the disbanded AFL Soldiers want to condemn the COP, we strongly believe these people are not in the interest of the people of this country,' ex-AFL officers say.

Speaking further, Captain Kollie urges members of the COP not to create chaos in the country through their planned protest that is expected to begin this Friday.

He claims that the COP's intention is to cause chaos, destabilize the country and encourage others to loot businesses here.

Captain Kollie argues that the economic hardship here was inherited by the previous government and the Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) led - government.

Meanwhile the former Captain blames former President Ellen Johnson - Sirleaf's regime for printing excess Liberian dollars banknotes which he says contribute to the high inflation here.

Notwithstanding, former Captain Kollie calls on President George Manneh Weah to provide disbanded soldiers' benefit, arguing that the disbanded officers were not disarmed and the army was not also restructured.

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Publication:The New Dawn (Monrovia, Liberia)
Date:Jun 6, 2019
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