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Browse Earle, Renee M.

1-7 out of 7 article(s)
Title Type Date Words
Where the "Marshall Plan" Became the Organization for European Economic Cooperation. May 1, 2023 1169
Public Diplomacy in Newly Independent Kazakhstan. Feb 1, 2022 1918
Why Nation Building Matters: Political Consolidation, Building Security Forces, and Economic Development in Failed and Fragile States. Nov 1, 2021 1561
Renewing the U.S.-European Partnership in the Post-Trump Era. Viewpoint essay Aug 1, 2021 1621
International Opinion Towards the U.S. Slides from Respect to Pity. Aug 1, 2020 2017
The Russian Job: The Forgotten Story of How America Saved the Soviet Union from Ruin. Feb 1, 2020 799
Title: Ralph Bunche--U.N. Mediator and Nobel Peace Laureate. Feb 1, 2020 1492

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