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Browse E.B.

1-21 out of 21 article(s)
Title Type Date Words
Colon Cancer: The Need for Early Screening. Jan 1, 1999 933
Autopsies--Are They Really Important in This Era of High-Tech Medicine? Jan 1, 1999 583
Are You Prepared to Get Needed Care When You're Unconscious? Jan 1, 1999 640
Olestra--A Healthy Alternative to Fat. Jan 1, 1999 367
New Hope for Ovarian Cancer Patients. Jan 1, 1999 264
Not As Benign As They May Seem: Non-Melanoma Skin Cancers. Dec 1, 1998 466
A Bum Rap for the Incredible, Edible Egg? Dec 1, 1998 428
'Tis the Season to Be Jolly--But Not for the Lonely. Dec 1, 1998 434
Coping With the All-Too-Common Common Cold. Nov 1, 1998 524
Water, Water Everywhere ... Nov 1, 1998 476
Colonoscopy: Still Essential for Early Dectection of Colon Cancer. Nov 1, 1998 126
... And Eat More Carrots! Read the Labels When Buying Sunglasses. Nov 1, 1998 323
New Findings on the Best Medicine of All. Nov 1, 1998 258
"Growing Old" Doesn't Mean You Have to "Get Old". Nov 1, 1998 152
Nothing Fishy About Those Claims That Fish Is Good for the Heart. Jan 1, 1998 432
Can't Stand Broccoli? It May Be Your Genes! Jan 1, 1998 647
More Good News About Antioxidants. Jan 1, 1998 364
Knee Arthritis--A Chicken-and-Egg Story. Jan 1, 1998 261
E. Coli Now in Our Alfalfa Sprouts? Jan 1, 1998 250
We Need to Shop More Often at the K Mart! Jan 1, 1998 348
Alcoholism--Abuse or Dependence? Jan 1, 1998 434

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