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Delta 2019: Reverse all illegalities concerning Delta South - Okororudu tells APC.

Air Vice Marshal Terry Omatsola Okororudu (retd) has appealed to President Muhammadu Buhari and Comrade Adams Oshiomhole to reverse the purported affirmation of former Governor Emmanuel Uduaghan as the All Progressives Congress Delta South Senatorial candidate for the 2019 elections.

Dr Uduaghan was, last Tuesday, affirmed as sole candidate of the party for the Delta South Senatorial District after a purported screening out of AVM Okororudu, Chief Michael Johnny and two others by the National Working Committee of APC.

In a statement sent to Tribune Online on Saturday in Warri, AVM Okororudu said since no primary was held to elect a candidate at the last Tuesday Delta South Senatorial primary at Oleh, the APC leadership should step down the anti-democratic show of shame.

'You would have all noted with either curiosity or angst or both the developments surrounding the Delta South Senatorial District primaries.

'The facts are simple. There was no attempt at any time to hold a credible, free, fair and transparent process. Conspiracies had been hatched to ensure one outcome - the sole candidacy of Emmanuel Uduaghan.

'As you all should know, this is anti-democratic, and is unbecoming of our great party, the APC.

'I, as a person, have served my country at various levels and under many circumstances (both routine and dangerous) for 35 years without blemish.

'The overriding interest has always been the need for service to people and country with patriotic zeal. The records are there to attest,' he averred.

He opined that the APC in Delta State may sunk into defeats in the coming elections and be tagged corrupt if the ongoing anomalies in the party are not redressed.

'Whatever the motivation may be for this clumsy and potentially criminal, attempts at disenfranchisement of myself and other aspirants, cannot be explained away by a need to defeat and dislodge the PDP from Delta State.

'To defeat a behemoth such as the rightfully much maligned governing party in our State, you would need credible candidates across the board. APC would also require lots of funding. But funds for political party activities MUST come from credible sources. Outside these, our party would be open to charges of CORRUPTION, either now or in the near future.

'Certainly, this cannot be what PMB and/or all other well meaning members of our great party would countenance. This party has to be re-organised and made fit for purpose.

'It is therefore the duty of party activists to initiate this. A nation's ruling party needs to be well managed and governed competently and professionally or else the government itself will be in jeopardy thus in turn endangering national security.

'This is how far the threat analysis of the current situation in our Senatorial District, State and country must go.

'Errant party officials must retrace their steps now, or face very harsh judgements and consequences in the future for their roles in damaging the interests of our party and country,' he warned.

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Publication:Nigerian Tribune (Oyo State, Nigeria)
Date:Oct 6, 2018
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